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They entered the room, and Grey's heartbeat was beating ten times faster than it was before. His eyes widened at her behavior, and the doctor rushed to her side. 

She looked as if she was suffering from a seizure. Her chest kept moving up, higher in the air, and heavy, painful moans emitted from her.

Elias walked to her side and took her hand, scared. Moisture pooled in his eyes, a fearful and depressed look gracing his young features. There was an undeniable fright.

Grey would either survive this, or she wouldn't.

The doctor faced Elias with a grave expression. 'I'm afraid I can't do anything. She has to go through this herself. No medicine can supposedly help her," He stated, rubbing his chin with worry in his eyes.

Elias gave him a murderous look. "Why?" He asked pointedly, venom lacing his tone. "Why can you not help her? Do you not want to help her?"

"N-no. Simply enough, there is n-"

"-o medicine, huh? There's no medicine to help he-" He began, but paused once a small, croaky voice spoke.


Elias' paused what he was saying, facing the doctor with pure agony and emotion.

"Elias?" The voice rang out again. He faced the girl in the bed. During their argument, she had somehow awakened. 

"Yes, Gris?" He said, with such emotion that amazed the people and nurses looking through the glass wall. The doctor, or Eric, as his name tag proclaimed, glared at the people. This was not a moment to be intruded on or spoilt.

"W-water," She said, squinting at the lights. Elias graciously handed her the cup that stood on her nightstand and watched his younger sister drink the water like a sponge on land. He went, cautiously gazing down at the spot she had made next to her, and sat on the bed.

But the moment was spoiled once she put the cup down and looked forward. 

Eric stood there, silently watching the two siblings interact. Gabriela's eyes widened once she saw him, and began screaming, scaring Elias.

"No! Stop! I didn't do it!" 




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