Ch. 12 Jess vs Abs

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A 2000 ford f250 sat in the drive beside Williams bike. The tuck was a dark red and had skull seat covers. It wasn't something you would see parked at a house like this. It had dents and faded paint on the hood and roof. The bike strapped on the back looked better. Lance walked to the passenger door and opened it.

"There is no way she's riding with you in that trash can!" Jordan yelled. "No way in hell!"

Lilly giggled and winked at me as she grabbed my helmet. "I'm riding with William!"

Haley rolled her eyes and pulled me to the truck. "I'm not riding with the Prince and play boy twins, and I'm not riding with Lance alone! She's rides with us."

Jordan opened his mouth to say something but was cut off by the twins. They said at the same time in the creepy twin way. "We are gonna be late let's just go."

We all hopped in our rides and were off. William in the lead Lance following him and Jordan following behind, like the protective older brother with momma syndrome. O.M.G. he's such a weirdo! We are going to the same place for goodness sake! Oh, and did I say Haley is an evil person! Well she is.

I'm sitting in the middle like almost on abs' lap. I can feel his side with my elbow, and Haley over here is elbowing me and smiling as she looks out the window. She puts her ear phones in and just acts like she is ignoring us. I miss her point, but Lance takes the hint. He's grinning like a kid who just won a trip to the Chocolate Factory.

His hand finds its way to my thigh. I about died right there! My brain dose that hehehe nervous laugh, and I grab his hand and hold it. I know he won't keep it off my leg if I don't.

"Hey Jess would you want to hang out sometime? Maybe tonight I could take you out for a movie?" He asked suddenly.

"No. Tonight is movie night with Tommy, and I won't break that with him." I shake my head. Haley snorted but didn't look at us or say anything. I rolled my eyes at her.

"Well, eat lunch with me today and I buy you what ever you want to eat!" He smirked and glanced at me.

Damn... how does he know I love food?

"Well, I watched you at lunch on Monday and I just ate breakfast with you so I kinda guessed." He laughed.

"O.M.G. I said that out loud." My face was burning I blushed so much.

"Yep, and you said that out loud too." He laughed.

Haley chuckled and grabbed her mouth trying to stop her laugh.

Yeah, I'm stuck now maybe he won't like me if I eat a lot, and talk a lot, but that's the problem with him I can't talk. I almost asked to lick his abs the first time I seen him in class yesterday. Oh, I want to touch them right now. Just feel them once. I mean I know how many and what they feel like pressed against my back, but I want to touch them. Wait, did he say something?

"You can do what ever you want." He was laughing! Haley was bright red and she snorted twice before dying in a fit of laughter. O.MG!

"I don't know how much of that I said!" I hung my head how much weirder can I be.

"Just the," Haley laughed "I want to touch them part!" She was almost in the floor laughing so hard. Her ear phones was laying in her lap as she snorted and laughed harder.

Me and my mouth. I covered my mouth this time with my free hand. God, I'm dead. Yep, I'm gonna drown myself in the toilet as soon as we get to school. I'll be the girl who died in a school toilet, because she wanted to touch abs and couldn't keep her mouth shut. I laughed with them. I can se it know, front page of the news paper. Goodness help me.

We pull into the school parking lot with Jordan on our tail. So now the whole school can see us. Haley rolls out of the truck laughing, like a hyena on crack and Lance pulls me out of his door grinning and still holding my hand. I'm red like deep red blushing and Jordan looks like he's gonna kill somebody.

Lance shuts his door, never letting go of my hand, and pulls me toward the school. He takes me all the way to my locker and kisses my hand.

"See ya at lunch babe." He smiles at me a walks down the hall. Girls are glaring at me swooning when he looks their way. Then comes Jordan and the twins. Girls are going crazy now calling Jordan's name.

He walks straight to me and pins me to the lockers. "Don't talk to that boy anymore! He isn't the kind you want or need!"

That sparked something! "Your not my boss! Your just my brother! Step brother to be exact! Back off!" I yell at him.

He hits the locker by my head and walks off with an ugly mad face. Like I think I really pissed him off. Haley and Lilly both have disappeared and I'm standing by my locker with a hallway full of girls who now hate me. Worse thing, they are all staring at me and this is horrible. Glares watch my every move. O.M.G. I can't take it. Off the bathroom I go, to hyperventilate and possibly drown myself. I want to be invisible, but now I'm so far from that it's horrible. I hate people especially staring people. Ugh!

I hit my locker with my fist and walk to the bathroom alone shaking my hand, which now feels like I broke. Oops dam!

That's gonna hurt for a bit.

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