Ch.16 Pool Party

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Somehow Lilly showed up in her swim suit, and not even ten minutes later almost everyone from school was here. The entire pool room, I somehow missed, was filled with people. Yes, I said it, people. Haley, Lilly, and I stood by the door watching everyone else have a good time.

Lilly claps her hands and bounces up and down, "Let's go swim!" She links her arms through ours and pulls us toward the pool.

Haley didn't say anything, but she did smile. Haley was a great swimmer, and one of the fastest track runners. She was a natural. I on the other hand couldn't swim a lick. I'd drown in a kiddy pool if I tripped. I hate water! I dug my heels in and stopped at the edge.

Haley looked over with that big O look. Yeah, the one were you suddenly remember something important. She whispered in Lilly's ear and she looked at me with that same look!

"Okay! So I hate water and can't swim! I almost drown when I was 10, and never wanted to learn after that. So bite me!" I said in a growl.

"Okay!" I heard from behind me. Then I felt a small nibbling bite on my neck.

I jumped right into the water. Haley and Lilly followed me and pulled me to the side. I took in gulps of air. Abs, was laughing as he knelt to pull me out of the water.

"You idiot!" I mumbled.

"Sorry sweetheart I didn't think you would jump in." He chuckled at me, as Haley and Lilly started swimming away. Huge smiles on their faces.

"Did you really have to do that? William or Jordan might have seen you." I said wiping water from my eyes. I'm so glad I didn't have any eye liner or mascara on.

"Let them see, I don't care. I'll take them both on." He whipped my chin with his thumb. "Besides, I'm not as bad as they think. I'm nowhere near the bad boy. I'm just the poor guy with an attitude."

"And a fighting problem." I added.

His face went blank. "Don't say that out loud." His hands made fists at his sides.

Okay! So he's kinda scary now! Where did the happy Abs go? Oh, boy is William right? Is this guy bad news? I start to tremble a little from the way he's looking at me. I swear he would have punched me if I said anything else.

He grabbed my wrist, "Come on! We gotta talk." He said with a little too much force.

I went not saying anything to piss him off more. I'll just let him talk. We walked out the back into the garden. A bench and a glass table stood by the rose wall. It wasn't a wall of roses it was a brick wall painted with lots of roses. He still looked mad. He let go of my wrist and pointed to the chair. I sat down and waited.

"William told you didn't he?" He started pacing the gravel path in front of me. "Your not supposed to know that stuff! Yeah, so I'm poor, and fighting is all I have to keep me in school, and food on the table for my mom and sister. My dad is in jail, and my brother is never around unless it's something with the Fight Club. He doesn't even stick around for the Race Wars anymore."

I hold up my hand. He stopped talking and nodded at me. "Okay. too much information at once. You are talking about stuff I have no clue about. William only said you guys were in a fight club together. This poor stuff and race wars thing is new. Although it does explain the RW on his calendar. "

"FUCK!" He yelled as he kicked the table. It wobbled and I tried to steady it. "I'm so stupid!" He sat down in the other chair and hung his head in defeat, or anger I couldn't tell. I stood up and knelt in front of him.

"It's okay. I don't know what it all is and I don't care. I won'tsat anything." I reached up and touched his hair.

He moved so fast I couldn't have dodged him if I tried. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me to him, his lips crushed mine as he kissed me. I froze for a second before I kissed him back. He pulled me on to his lap and stood up. My legs wrapped around his waist.

He pulled back. "Please don't tell me no." He began walking to the back gate.

Are we leaving? I couldn't tell. I didn't want to tell. He was addicting, and I wanted more. I wasn't naïve or a blushing virgin. I left all that in the States. I wanted him and he wanted me. My childhood wasn't a happy one so we had that in common. What doesn't kill you makes your stronger right? It did for me anyway.

We stopped kissing long enough for him to get the gate open. He kissed me once more and set me down holding my hand. "My bike is around front."

Shit... A damn... BIKE! My head screamed at me. At least I wasn't crowded with people.

"Stay right here don't move. I'll be right back. I'd take you upstairs to your room, but their is to many people here." He didn't even wait for my reply, he just walked around the corner headed for his bike.

After tonight I won't be able to do what William asked me. Unless abs is one of those guys. The kind that really are bad boys. The worst kind, abusive, hit it and quit it types. Goodness, I hope not, because I've been through that before and it hurts like hell!

His bike came into view and I felt my heart skip a beat. Damn he looks good, but why can't he just drive his truck all the time!

He handed me my helmet from Williams bike and said, "Get on."

I did and my hands drifted over his hard stomach. Bad idea... He revved up the bike, and took off, like a racer at the go line. I held on tight and closed my eyes. I've made some bad decisions and I hope this isn't one of them. We passed the front of the house, and I opened my eyes to see William on the front steps. Shit... I'm in trouble now because he just saw me with abs.

I know because he slammed his phone in his pocket and jogged to his bike. Lance must have seen him too because he gassed it, and sent us speeding faster than I've ever went car, truck, or bike. William was behind us now. He was way back there, but he was there.

It didn't take us long to get to the house William had brought me to that one time. No lights were on and I was hoping it was because no one was home. We parked and Lance jumped off the bike. We pulled our helmets off, and I swung my leg over. Lance put his hands on my waist and stood between my legs. My hands found their way to his stomach.

"Kiss me." He whispered into my ear before our lips met.

The sound of Williams bike sliding to a stop beside us tore us apart. William didn't have his helmet on, both of them looked like they could kill each other at that moment.

My heart dropped when William stepped off his bike and glared at Lance. His voice sounded scary when he said, "Get away from her." He calmly took a step closer and his eyes flashed to me. "Jess, we are going back home. Now!"

Lance didn't give me a chance. He faced William, and at that moment I could feel the air die. It happened  so fast none of us could have seen it coming. William and Lance both lay on the ground knocked out cold, and now I'm surrounded by three guys in black leather.

"Hola chica. Como estas, señorita!"

Everything went black and the last thing I remember was the guys laying on the ground, and a strange voice. Was that Spanish? 

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