Ch. 19 The God Mother

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A soft tap on my cheek woke me. I opened my eyes, but everything was a bright blur. I could hear jumbled voices and my vision drifted in and out of focus. The only thing that worked right was my nose.

I could smell alcohol, cigar smoke, and burnt out firecrackers. I blinked rapidly trying to clear my vision. The woman with red hair stood over me waving a lit cigar under my nose. The smoke burned my throat and I coughed. My mouth and throat felt full of sand.

"Good morning love. I'm sorry for waking you up like this. My boys are being stubborn and I need answers." The lady said in a heavily accented tone.

My vision cleared but I felt like I was in a tunnel. "Water?" I croaked weakly. I had to really think hard about what she said. Who is this lady anyway? It was the lady Abs kept looking at earlier. I look over her shoulder and grimaced.

Lance sat on a sofa gritting his teeth as an older man pulled a thin threaded needle through his skin above his eye. It was ruff stitching, but the guy looked like he knew what he was doing.

"Dont have water, but i think you need something stronger anyway." Her velvety voice replied. The red haired lady walked over to a small wood desk, ou o and grabbed a glass off the table giving me a chance to spot William.

William lay on cot behind the small wooden desk. He was dressed in bandages, and bright red stains speckled the white gauze. She blocked my view again, as she held out the glass. My hands shook and felt like rubber as I reached out for it.

"Now about my boys." She tapped her foot watching me take a big gulp of the brandy. She laughed when I started to choke as it burned my throat and chest.

"Afu... awful stuff." I managed to choke out.

"Why are my boys having a death match in my ring?" She asked me with a smile. "I won't be nice for long. I want answers and I want them now!"

Lanced growled and shot me a death stare. I figured he wanted me to keep my mouth shut. I shook my head and held my throat.

"Ok then. I guess it's the hard way then." She went to the door and cracked it open. "Seth, bring that Mexican and Connor in here now!" She called out the door.

My heart starts to race and I could feel my self start to shake. Almost back to normal. At least I can think now. I sat up straighter and held my head with one hand, as a massive headache hit me. Yelling outside the door almost made me panic. I stood up and moved toward the couch Lance was sitting on. The red head didn't make a move to stop me.

The door flew open and two guys dragged Fernando in. They dropped him in the chair I was just sitting in. My eyes widened and I looked at Lance. He watched me with guarded eyes. Lance didn't look to friendly, William was out cold, and the lady was now pulling a gun out of her desk.

"Chris were is Seth, and Connor?" The lady asked before the two guys could leave.

The guy with black hair turned to look at her. "Coonor ran Ms. Lacey. Seth went after him."

"Thank you Chris. You can go now." She waved him out the door. "Now for you." She turned her attention to Fernando. The gun held loosely in her hand.

The doctor guy, finished and packed his bag. He handed Lance some pills, nodded and left.

"Lance care to say something now?" Lacey asked without looking at him.

"He set the whole thing up. Can you let her go now?" Lance nodded to me. A small flinch of pain washed over his face for a second.

"Not yet. I want details on everything. This guy is from the Mexican ring, and I want to know why he's on my truff." She tapped her hip with the gun. "So, why are you pinning my boys against each other in a death match?"

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