Chapter 2

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Namjoon POV

I am so angry right now. I will kill this boy, I swear to god.

"You know this boy? Who is he and why would he kidnap our small Jimin?" Jin asks and I can clearly see the anger in his eyes.

"That's Sehun" I hiss and glare at literally nothing.

"WAIT...that Sehun? You mean Jimins ex-best friend that stopped looking for him and said very hurtful things about our little mochi?" Yoongi asks slowly but you can clearly see that he tries to stay calm. Already three angry caretakers.

"Yes, that boy!"

"Why? I don't get it. You told us that he stopped looking for Jimin because he thought that Jimin ran away with a girl" Taehyung says confused. I sit down and sigh. It really doesn't make sense.

"Maybe...he liked Jimin in the 'like like' way, ya know? That would make sense" Hoseok points out.

"True but how did he find Namjoons baby?" Jungkook asks unsure since he normally isn't in big space and wouldn't even dream about talking with the doms but he fell out of headspace when Jimin vanishes. He feels guilty because he was the one that got all the attention. He was just so stupid and fell down. If it didn't happen, then they would play or cuddle right now.

"Actually, it would be pretty easy to find Jimin" Jin says and looks at all of us. "We did went out a lot. We went to the parks, eating ice cream, the zoo etc. He could have seen Jimin and probably got angry because he maybe felt betrayed by our little innocent mochi." Jin points out. I sigh loudly. This boy will regret this so bad.

"How long does it take you to find him?" I ask slowly, trying to stay as calm as possible for the sake of my baby, Kookie and all the furniture in this house.

"It depends on how good he is hiding. I will try my best and work as fast as possible. Please don't bother me in the next 24 hours" Jin says and directly leaves the room

"He will find him Jooni! Jin is one of the best on what he does" Yoongi says.

I hope so and I pray because I want my baby back.

Jimin POV

I just lay there with tears running down my face. I just can't stop them. Call me a cry baby, I don't care at all. I just want to go home to my family, my real family, Namjoon, Jin and all the others.

"OMG ARE YOU STILL CRYING?" I flinch and look at Sehun with wide eyes. This is not my hyung that I knew. My hyung was so sweet. He always made me laugh and hugged me when I was sad. This's a monster that looks like Sehun. "Stand up. MAKE IT FAST" I try to stand up but don't have the energy. I guess, having only one meal a day, which is a piece of bread and some water, weakens the body a lot.

"WHAT THE FUCK? I SAID FAST. YOU CAN'T EVEN STAND UP CORRECTLY!! YOU ARE SO WEAK" Sehun screams and pulls me up. I whimper at his hard grip. "You will cook and clean from now on. You, little baby, will be my servant and that forever. Don't hope for anything. They will not find you."

Please, don't let this be true. Please let them find me. Please....

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