Chapter 8

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Hey guys~
So this is the winning chapter of my contest. It written by @1Angel-Devil3 (Isla).  I hope you enjoy it.

Thank you so much Isla. I love your idea for the 8th chapter~

Jimin's POV

I stare down at my red hands, eyes brimming with tears. Sehun constantly forces me to work, redoing everything again and again, even if it was perfect the first time. I don't know how much more of this I can take, I think grimly, a couple salty drops of water falling from my eyes and onto the plate in my hands.

"Hurry the fuck up!" I hear Sehun yell from the doorway, making me flinch and scrub faster. Pain shoots up both arms, but I can't seem to care about that anymore. Find me, please. I beg internally, craving my Daddy's touch. P-Please, Minnie scawed...wan' Daddy an' Jinnie Hyung and Yoongi Hyung n' Hobi Hyung an' TaeTae Hyung n' Kookie...pwease...Minnie s-scawed!

Without realizing, I begin slipping, tears falling even faster as Minnie begins to take over. My hands shake, droplets of water falling onto them at a rapid pace. I try to silence my tears, especially since my sobs would only make Sehun angrier at me.

Soon the door knocks, and Sehun opens it a crack and peers out, but I could care less. At least, until Sehun is pushed away and I hear an all too familiar voice call out my name.


I crash to the floor, sobs flowing freely now. "DADDY!"

Namjoon POV

Seokjin-hyung knocks on the door, all of us behind him. The clicking of the door, most likely being unlocked, is heard, and soon that bastard's face is seen. Without thinking I push forward, shoving Sehun aside (lightly, I still need to heed Jin-Hyung's warning....or else...) and opening the door fully.

"Minnie?!" I yell throughout the apartment. Everything's quiet for a bit, until I hear a loud cry.


Sobs follow, and before I can think I’m cradling the smaller to my chest, rocking him to and fro as I whisper into his ear, his cries becoming quieter by the second.

“It’s okay baby boy, daddy’s here. Don’t worry.” Jimin sniffles, looking up at me with wide, glossy eyes. His words are broken, small mumbles of “Dada” and “sca’ed” the only words able to be heard.

The world seems to stop for a moment; just me and my beautiful boy, cuddling together as I comfort him. I’m only snapped from my reverie by Jin-Hyung, who taps my shoulder and points into the other room.

I pick up Jimin, who whines and buries his face into my shoulder. I coo softly at the action, before glancing where Jin was pointing. Taehyung and Hoseok-hyung are restraining Sehun, who is struggling and screaming curse after curse at us, and Yoongi-hyung is on the phone, most likely calling the police. Seokjin-hyung is holding Kookie, who’s long since fallen asleep against the older’s chest.

“You’re safe now, my little Minnie.” I whisper softly into Jimin’s ear. He stirs slightly, before letting out a little gurgle and falling back asleep. I smile softly.

I’m never letting you go again.


Hours later, we arrive back home. After telling the police about Sehun, avoiding facts about ourselves in favor of putting the man into prison, Seokjin-hyung drove us home in silence.

When we arrive home, I feel Jimin stirring, and he cracks his eyes open, glancing up at me. I smile at him, lifting him up a bit so we can look at each other from a comfortable angle. “Is baby awake, huh? Does Minnie want his bottle?”

Jimin only gurgles, his arms moving slightly, and the soft “Dada!” coming from his mouth. “Aw, the baby’s so cute~!” Taehyung jumps in out of nowhere, cooing at the adorable bundle in my arms.

“I’m going to go get him a bottle.” I say, walking towards the kitchen. Seokjin-hyung is already in there, and turns to me with a bottle in his hand. “I figured he’d be hungry, this cute little boy~.” Hyung explains, before turning to the boy and tickling his stomach, earning loud giggles.

Seokjin-hyung coos, and I slip the bottle into Jimin’s mouth, watching as he sucks it dry at the speed of light. After, he lets out a delicate burp, making hyung coo even more.

Soon, Jimin yawns, and I smile. “It’s time to sleep, baby boy.” I walk up to his room, setting him on the bed, then lying next to him.


I kiss his forehead, smiling softly as we fall asleep, reunited again.

So I want to explain why it took so long for this chapter to be posted. As you know, had I a deadline but I was still waiting for people that asked me for more time. So I hope that you are not angry at me *buing buing*

Also I am online on Instagram every day, not on wattpad, and post most of my informations about my books there so if you want, you could follow me:)

Byeeeeeee. Stay save, stay healthy.

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