Chapter 10

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Jimin POV

After some time, I feel Namjoon chuckling. I look up to him.

"We have to go eat now if not Jin hyung will be here in a few minutes and go all 'mother' on us. Especially to me." He sits up with me and suddenly stands up while lifting me on his hip. I let out a small noise of shock. I totally forgot how strong he and all the others are.

He smiles at me and kisses my forehead then starts to leave the room. Directly after he opens the door, we start hearing people talking and laughing. I did really miss all this.

He walks into the kitchen with a big smile. "Good Morning people" he says happy. We get many 'hellos' back and he sits down on the only free chair with me on his lap.
"How did you guys sleep?" Jin asks with a smile and puts a plate and a bowl full of pancakes infront of us.

At that moment, I realize that my hand is bandaged and doesn't hurt. I look at it closely.

"We slept well. How about you?" Namjoon asks.

"Perfect since our second baby is back and safe" Jin smiles. Namjoon nods and starts feeding me.

"So since we all together again, how about a movie day?" Taehyung asks.

"I love this idea" Hoseok smiles and tickles Jungkook, who is sitting in his high chair still half asleep. He giggles and looks around. He sees me and start to fully wake up.

"Minnieeeeeee" he shouts happy.

I blink and look up at him. I continue to chew on my pancake then smile at him. Yes, I even missed him. Even when he is a bad person. In every bad person is also a good one.

"A movie day it is" Jin smiles and agrees.


Sorry for the long wait. Life isn't easy and I do hope that you are not angry or annoyed with me. I try my best, I swear.  It's just, after all what happened in the last 5 months, I lost my creativity to write so I try read alot but then I lost the motivation to read. Many things changed but I start to get better. I also got ideas for the next chapters but I can't promise to update regularly.

Please wait for me


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