/ eleven

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after that, we aimlessly drove around, trying to find our next photoshoot victim.

the cool autumn breeze wafted through the windows, and your hair was blowing everywhere.

we drove past a full parking lot, and i had no idea what was going on, i hadn't been in this part of the city much.

you sprang upright in your seat, pointing out of your window in the direction i was looking.

"let's go there! look, there's a ferris wheel and everything, oh my god." you practically squeeled, making me giggle.

after what felt like hours of trying to find a parking spot and hours of waiting in this line, we finally arrived in front of the ferris wheel.

as we travelled upwards, i couldn't take my eyes off of you. the sun was setting, silhouetting your face with the oranges and purples,

and you just looked so picturesque.

so, naturally, i snapped a few pictures.

we went on like this, taking pictures, eating hot dogs and cotton candy. it was one of the best nights of my life,

and i hadn't even kissed you yet.


omg i like this one i want this to happen to me so bad lms

anyways ive run out of prewritten chapters so i just typed this on my phone real quickly i hope it's okay

snapshot - ashton irwinDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora