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       Hi! I am Bria.
         A 19 years old, young teen, lived in an apartment alone. I am a computer science student and also working as an anime artist. My life is just simple. But suddenly, One day my life changes into bizarre. What happened to my life????
       How it happened in my life ????
        The sun rises with the shines of joy fall on my face and the clock strokes. I woke up and hurried to my class. I rushed to my class but I stopped my way. My eyes blinking towards the boy and starring his face. Yes... He is my crush who is charming, rich and has lots of girlfriends except me. His name is Fred.  The bell rings. Oh my god! I am late.
              Fred announced the party in his house. He also invited me. Yeah!... No! No! I am not going there. Oh no! I don't have party wear ...  But  It's okay.  I am ready with my dress and I am so excited to go there. At last today I am visible to him. My joy knew no bounds.

" The word NO is not a negative word.
        It implies N - Next O - Opportunity "

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