Bright and Dark

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   I cried aloud but no one hears that. I am alone in the dark.
   I hear boy is arguing with someone.      "Who are they? "            I saw him. He is Ethan Fred's stepbrother  and his friend Harry." What about they arguing?" I can't hear anything..................
Suddenly, Jane came in front of me and pulled my hands arrogantly. She warned me to away from Fred. At that time, Harry gathered everyone for the announcement of Ethan. Olivia trying to stop it ." What happening here?" I feel so suspicious and the argument makes me feel it.

    Ethan " I am too going to marry before my brother so I arranged the ball for my wedding and there I gonna select my bride. It is an open invitation so everyone can join there" utter this words and he went away". what's going on here? No, I don't want to interfere in their family.
   I moved from there to my apartment. I sat on my window.   I saw the bright sky shining with moon and star. but why my life is full of dark and filled sadness. I want to make my life with happiness. I wish that my life want to be changed..............
I went off to my bed and trying to sleep.

"Life is a .......series of disappointments............broke dark spells of depressions ..........."

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