Bad dream

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The sun wakes me up by shinning through a window into my eyes. I feel someone in my bed. It's a boy. " Who are you? What are you doing here??" Ethan, I am Harry.I think you had a nightmare. No!!! I am not Ethan. I am Bria. I saw my reflection in the mirror but I can't believe it. I am in Ethan's body.
    No! It's is not true. I had a bad dream.
    I rushed to my apartment. I saw me. I am totally confused.  I waked up Ethan from my bed. When he saw me, he started to scream. 
    We don't think it's just a dream. I think our soul has been switched. We decided to solve it. " What happened to us?"
" How it happened??" It makes me feel unconscious. I fell to the floor. Ethan pick me up and he poured some water on my face to wake me.
    I told Ethan about my wish. I am the one who created it. It's done because of me. But he didn't care about it. He said that he I'll help me to overcome it.......... Yes, we are ready to live our life.

" My life has changed and I am changing with it"

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