two: Who Gets Hit With A Car?

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Again, I know this can be unrealistic, but give it a chance. 

Also, thank you so much for reading. I love every single one of you very much.


"I'm going to the grocery store!" I shout to my mum.

"Okay!" she replies as I grab her car keys off of the table. I open the garage door and unlock the car, hoisting myself into the driver's seat. I back out, making sure not to run anything over, and speed off to the shopping outlet — not thinking twice about my so-called "Grocery Run".

After a few minutes of jamming out to my music, I pull into Panera Bread, the place my friend told me I would be meeting her.

When I get inside, I take my usual place at the window and unlock my iPhone. 2:34 P.M. 

Thankfully, I only have to wait another minute for Emeri to show up.

"Did you see traffic?" She sets her purse down beside her. "Have you ordered yet?"

"Nope." I pop the p. "I was waiting for you." She smiles kindly and says a small thank-you before we get up to go order.

"I'll have a blueberry muffin, please," Emeri decides.

"I'll have the same," I mutter and the cashier gives Emeri our waiting number.

"So tell me, have you stumbled across any dangerously good looking guys lately?" Emeri asks as we sit back down with our number.

I flash her a small smile. "Not particularly. You?"

"There's this one guy I met the other day..." I fiend a smile, not letting her know that I've already lost interest.

Emeri continues on for another couple of minutes before she realizes that I'm not listening. She pulls out her phone to check something and I sit awkwardly, staring out the window.

I hear the cashier call our number and Emeri stands up to retrieve our food. That's when I check my phone. 15 more minutes, I remind myself.

"Here," Emeri says, setting the plate of food in front of me. I thank her again, starting up a new conversation. Emeri, glad for the change in mood, steers the conversation — like always — in the direction she wants it to go.

"What have you been doing lately?" she teases, like she doesn't already know the answer.

"The same," I say, which both of us know means absolutely nothing.

"Are you going to their concert next month?" she blurts out, already talking about my favorite band — of which is one of her favorites, too.

I sigh. "No."

"When they come here, just go find them or something," she says.

I laugh. "You mean stalk them?" Emeri only nods.

"Alright," she says and checks her phone, "I would love to discuss your weird obsession — "

"I don't have an obsession," I cut in.

Emeri rolls her eyes. "Whatever." She smiles. "I have to go, I'll see you later." And with that, we both get up from our seats and take step outside. Emeri makes sure to wave goodbye as she speeds out of the lot.

After my friend's car disappears around the corner, I make a small stop at a neighboring shop before turning back to my car. Of course, when I do, I'm immediately thrown to the ground after struck by a force larger and stronger than myself. After a few seconds of laying there, I pick myself up and turn around to see the attacker — a big, black Escalade. Did I seriously just get hit with a car? I scowl at the driver, staying put as he opens his door.

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