three: Pretty Please Don't Pinch Me.

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For a few minutes I sit, starstruck, at the table Luke Hemmings and I were previously at, staring at the napkin that he wrote his supposed phone number on. And when I snap out of my daze, I pull out my iPhone and add his number to my contacts in case I lose the napkin. Then, I check my text messages, frowning when I see my mother has forwarded me her grocery list.

If I told my mother that I would be going to the grocery store, she would expect me to bring back groceries. Obviously.

I heave a sigh before walking out of the shop — cup in hand — and unlocking the car to head for the grocery store. Quickly, I purchase the items and rush back outside, wanting to get home before dark. However, when I pull in the driveway, I see the sun is just barely peaking over the horizon.

After locking the car and putting the garage door down like my mother always tells me to, I walk inside and pack away all the groceries in their rightful place before heading upstairs to my room.

"Did you get the stuff?" my mother calls from her bedroom.

"Yeah," I respond, closing my door behind me.

For a few seconds I think I'm off the hook, nearly groaning when she calls out, "What took you so long?" from the other side of the door.

"I hung out with Emeri for a bit," I tell her. It's not exactly a lie.

"I thought you two were hanging out in the morning?" she fires back. I imagine myself going in her room and punch her square in the — "Abby?"

I clear my throat. "We hung out after I went to the store."

My mother, still seeming unconvinced, lets me off the hook with a short knock before her footsteps disappear down the stairs.

I sigh in relief and then after debating whether or not I should text Luke now, I promise myself that I'll wait until after dinner to text him. So, to keep myself occupied, I turn on my stereo and change clothes, heading back down when I'm done. Then, I pull some leftover lasagna from the fridge and serve myself a decent size before popping it in the microwave. And after a minute and a half of hearing the sizzle of my food, I open the small door — stomach growling — before taking a big bite.

It only takes a few minutes to eat my food — partly because I'm so hungry and partly because I made myself wait to text Luke — but when I'm finished, I put my plate in the dishwasher and skip up the steps, taking two at a time.

me: hi it's abby from earlier today,, is this luke ?

Luke: hello abby ! sadly this is not the blond boy with rockin hair who bought you that vanilla bean today. but do you happen to have a skype ?

me: yes ? it's abbywtres

Luke: weird gut feeling but maybe you should get on skype ?

Letting out a laugh, I take my MacBook off the charger and login to my account. When I get online, I notice a request in my feed and see it's from blink-180-luke. I accept his request and he calls almost immediately after.

"Hi, Abby!" he greets, offering me a small smile.

I want to say something snarky like, "Couldn't stay away for long?" but end up with, "Uh, hey," instead.

Luke doesn't say anything for a couple of seconds, his attention focused on something other than me. "Hey, Abby?" he says slowly, smirking slightly. "What's that poster behind you of?"

I furrow my eyebrows before turning around and greeting my 5 Seconds Of Summer posters. Shit, shit, shit!

"Um," I awkwardly state, Luke bursting into laughter only seconds later.

"When you said you knew about my band, you didn't say you were obsessed!" he says, another smirk making its way onto his lips. I feel my face heat up.

"I — um — sorry," I stutter.

Much to my relief, Luke laughter slowly comes to a halt. "Honestly, it's kinda cute," he admits, his cheeks being the ones to heat up.

I smile. "Oh, thanks. Okay, wow," I breathe, turning my gaze to the floor. I have to be dreaming, I have to be...

Luke smiles as well when he sees this. "Don't be shy," he teases. I roll my eyes and bring my gaze back to the screen. "Are you doing anything tomorrow?" he adds casually and I nearly choke.

"Nope," I tell him, even more thankful that I don't work on Mondays.

He beams, tugging on his lip ring a little. "Maybe we could go see a movie or something," he suggests and I can feel my heart racing in my chest, "but please not a chick-flick. That's Michael's thing." 

I laugh. "Yeah, definitely not."

"Okay, I — um, I guess I'll see you then," he says, laughing a little. I smile as his nose crinkles in result of the action. "Goodnight, Abby," he bids and seconds later the call ends. I lay back on my bed, staring at the ceiling light until spots take over my vision.

First, I met Luke and then he asked me out — all in the same day? What is this, some fantasy?

I shake the thoughts from my mind and grab my phone after a minute of heavy breathing, texting the boy an address to pick me up from.

Not gonna lie, I've read those shitty, cliche stories people write about meeting their favorite band member and these kind of things seem to happen like no big deal. But in the real world? Not in a million years, not to me.

Not to mention, if anyone would've told me this morning that I would've met Luke Hemmings and somehow hit it off with him, I would've laughed my ass off.

If this is a dream, pretty please don't pinch me.


wow can this get any shorter

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