nine: Are You Going to Keep Ignoring Me?

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  • Dedicated to All 5SOS fans <3

July 8thLuke: are you free today ?

July 10thLuke: you haven't answered me in two days ?? what happened at the party ?

July 10thLuke: abbbbyyyy

July 11thLuke: are you going to keep ignoring me ?

I'm not sure whether or not I should be relieved or concerned about the fact that Luke hasn't texted me in 3 days. Sure, I've been ignoring him for 4, but I really don't want him to think that I've moved on.

July 8th - Ashton: Abby ?

July 8th - Ashton: I'm sorry

July 8th - Ashton: please give me a chance to explain

July 8th - Ashton: it was a joke, please

July 8th - Ashton: seriously ?

July 8th - Ashton: fine. ignore me. bye.

Ashton, however, hasn't sent me any texts since the 8th, which was 6 days ago. I felt bad for ignoring him at first, but the more I think about it, the more I get nervous at just the thought of him.

me: I need to talk to you. Meet you at your house in 10?

Luke: ok


"He had the guts th-the nerve?" Luke spits, clearly enraged.

"He said it was a joke!" I defend, pulling up the texts from Ashton. The texts I ignored.

"Did you text him back at all?" Luke asks, pushing a hand through his gelled-to-perfection quiff.

"No, you can ask him."

"So you wouldn't mind if I texted him right now?"

"Yes, I would mind! Why don't you believe me?"

"I — I don't know."

I stay silent. "It's all under control, you know. I'm responsible and Ashton is an adult — not to mention he's your best friend. We know better," I assure him.

He sighs. "You're right, sorry."

I offer the blond a small smile, kissing his cheek. "It's okay. I'll be by later, okay?"

"See you, Abby," he calls after me. I make sure to turn around and wave before hopping into my car and speeding off, the image of a bruised and bloodied Ashton painted in my mind.


"I get why you're ignoring my calls," I breathe into Ashton's voice-mail, "but I'm sick of ignoring each other. Can we meet at Pizza Hut in, like, ten minutes?" I decide, too nerve-wracked to mumble a goodbye.

I run a brush quickly through my hair before grabbing my car keys from the table and heading out. Once I'm in the car, I turn on the radio, the familiar buzz giving me some comfort.

I shake the thought from my mind, pressing my foot down harder on the gas. A car horn sounds next to me and I roll my eyes, pulling into the parking lot of Pizza Hut. I make sure to lock the car before walking inside in search of a certain curly-haired boy.

I wait in line at the order counter, trying my hardest to waste time. "Can I help you?" an employee finally asks and I step forward, greeting him with a smile.

"I'll have a small cheese pizza, please?"

"That'll be $5.90," he says. "Name?"

"Abby," I reply, shifting over to the left so he can take the next customer's order.

I tap my foot, impatiently awaiting Ashton's arrival. He'll show up, even if he doesn't want anything to do with me. At least I hope he will.

"Abby?" a different employee calls out, a few heads turning to watch me grab the plate. I take it, mumbling a thank-you and taking a seat at a nearby table. I pull out my phone, searching for something from Ashton.

I put my phone on the table and sigh. I really might be stood up, then.

I take a slice of pizza and bring it to my lips, taking a big bite. When I'm nearly finished with the slice, Ashton plops down in front of me, arms crossed and straight-faced.

"You wanted to see me?" he blurts out. I look up, expecting daggers but getting a small smile instead.

Even though he seems happy, I can't help but be nervous. "I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry, too. Some people can't take a joke." Ouch, I think. His comment — meant to be just a comment — sounds more like an snide remark than anything.

"I really don't know why it took me this long to —"

"Why did it take you so long?" he cuts me off, leaning back in his chair.

I sigh. "It didn't seem like just a joke."

Ashton's smile falters and a frown replaces it. He lets out a sarcastic laugh. "Not every guy you meet is going to fall in love with you, you do know that, don't you?"

A frustrated noise escapes my lips. "I didn't say you liked me — "

"You didn't? Well, you were implying it," he hisses and upon seeing his glare, I find it hard to picture his smile.

"Look, Ashton," I begin, "I'm sorry. For ignoring you, for implying that you liked me, everything. I was just scared that this would make things complicated."

"It seems that backfired on you, huh?" he says, sitting straight up. "Things are getting really complicated." And with one last sigh, my former friends marches out of the shop, leaving me more nervous and confused than ever.


After a few minutes of sulking, I pull out my phone and check over my messages. I smile when I see one from Luke — and none from Ashton.

Luke: wanna hang this weekend 

I take it Ashton didn't tell him anything then.

me: sure !

Luke: wait did anything happen with you & Ash? he's pissed off /:

I groan.

me: we met earlier and kind of fought.

Luke takes a few more minutes than usual to reply.

Luke: well shit.

Instead of responding as I planned, I set my phone back under my pillow and let my head hit the wall. It seems all of the problems that recently occurred were multiplied by 100 and I couldn't do anything about it. Things were no longer in my control. I tried to fix things, but I failed.

I close my eyes, wishing for sleep to pull me under, but something was gnawing away at my mind. Why didn't I make up with Ashton sooner?

You don't like him, I remind myself, not like that.

I knew I couldn't, but that didn't stop the butterflies in my stomach from making an appearance every time someone said his name.


this is so short oh my god i'm sorry

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