1. Prologue

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Jolting awake and covered in sweat, Ellice stared at an unfamiliar wall with her eyes widened in shock. She exhaled in distress, wiping the sweat off her forehead. 'Where am I this time?' She thought to herself, as she lost count of how many times she asked herself the same question. Her eyes wandered around the room, taking a good glance at everything. So far, it looked like something she could call a home, except for the fancy furniture and paintings on the wall. She looked down to what she's wearing, just the casual pyjamas she would always wear. 'Am I finally home?' She felt her curiosity was piqued, sliding out of bed! Her feet touched the carpet on the floor as she stood up. She caught a glance of a smartphone in the corner of her eye! 'Finally, my phone!' She cheers internally. She picked up the phone with the attempt to unlock it, seeing a background picture of a boy with red hair, about the same age as herself. She tilted her head 'Who is this?' She wondered. Regardless of the unfamiliar boy, she wouldn't give up the possibility this could be where she belonged. She entered her own code into the phone, however upon seeing the code not being correct, she came to the harsh conclusion that this was definitely not her home. She sat down on the side of the bed, feeling a little defeated.

She turned to a wardrobe, at least, something that looked like one. With haste she began to get dressed. She found some nice pair of jeans that fit perfectly, they seemed to be of an expensive brand! She put on a cute t-shirt and a grey hoody. 'So weird, I have all these casual clothes but this bedroom looks like I would have more... poshy things in my wardrobe.' She wondered to herself as she neatens her hair. She approached the door once she found herself ready to leave. "Hello, Ellice!" A tall figure enthusiastically blurted, as she just opened the door! Ellice jolted the living devil out of herself, unable to help but let out a short screech by the jumpscare! "Oh, I scared you." He then said, snickering. Ellice casted a gaze up to the tall figure, it seemed to be the boy on her phone wallpaper! "Yes, you did.." Ellice spoke, as she leaves her bedroom. "I was about to wake you up, Elly. Remember we're going on a cruise today." The tall boy said. Ellice nodded quietly, unsure how to react! She didn't even know his name! With a curious gaze she tried to hold back, she examined the hallway. It was a very long hallway with lots of doors. Paintings adorning the walls and the occasional statue of some sort of art was displayed on these typically fancy phone tables. Or so, she thought they were called.

  "What's up? Are you looking for something?" The boy asked

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  "What's up? Are you looking for something?" The boy asked. Ellice shook her head, looking back to him. He took a hold of her hand "Then.." He began to speak as he gently walked with her towards a set of beautiful stairs, shaped in fancy ways "...Let's have breakfast, the cooks made your favourite dish for you." Ellice began to ponder, whilst holding his hand, 'My favourite dish? I wonder what that is... More importantly, is this guy my boyfriend? He's got a very warm hand...' She thought to herself, casting her gaze down to his hand 'And it's a big hand too! Or maybe I'm just small...'.

"Here we are." The boy guided her to a spot at the table, a typical English breakfast was presented on a white ceramic plate with a golden edge. A glass filled with water is also present! But all Ellice was paying attention to, was the newspaper resting beside the silver, stylish cutlery. She sat down on a softly padded chair, pulling the newspapers close! Date of today? 16th of June in 2024. 'Is it really 2024? Wow. I mean, this place has such a Victorian or renaissance-y vibe to it.' She thought to herself as she looks down to the papers. There is a large picture of a handsome young blonde man with scruffy blonde hair. He seems to be smiling proudly, as if presenting something at some sort of convention. "Hah, Stanley looks so proud to present his time travelling machine. He's a mad genius, he is." The boy said as he sits down next to Ellice. "Eat up, Elly." He then told her!

So much questions were burning in Ellice's mind as she eats her breakfast... Not for long, before her mind was blown to the exquisite flavour she was tasting! 'This food is great, this house is awesome. This boy seems polite... And I am going on holiday on a cruise? I hope I will stay here for a while.' She thought to herself. "Charlie, Ellice, pack your bags!" A voice was heard outside the dining room. "I've already packed my bag, dad!" Charlie responded! 'Ah.. His name is Charlie. Good to know!' Ellice thought, feeling more at ease.

It wasn't long before Ellice had finished her breakfast and packed her bags. She gazes out of the window as she sits in the back of a large, fancy car. Charlie is sitting right next to her, holding her hand what seems like something they should be very used to. 'No one suspects that I am not me... I wonder how long it will take. Perhaps if they do, they will think I have amnesia? Maybe I do... I don't even know what is wrong with me. So many memories, so many people, so many times... But none of them are different. Time never stops.' She thought as she gazes to the large buildings they are passing. 

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