4. Just me and myself

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Ellice gazed over the lake as her heart began to calm down and the adrenaline was starting to fade. 'So... this must have been a dream, right? It was just like a bad nightmare and I'm here now.' She found arguments to tell herself before she looked around the park. 'Wait a minute... I know this place!' She stood up without hesitation. 'I'm home!' She thought, feeling relieved! She began to run home with great anticipation to see her father again. 

She had found the key to her house in her pocket, which felt quite reassuring, to know that she is home again! Upon arrival, she swiftly unlocked the door and barged into the house. "Dad, I'm home!" She called, looking down the little corridor that carried the same scent as ever. At this point the scent was nostalgic to her. Silence seemed to be all that was responding to her. She blinked in confusion, closing the door behind her. "Dad?" She called out once more, hoping to hear someone, at least! She approached the living room, looking around. Ellice's shoulders lowered to the demoralising realisation that her house was completely empty. She frowns 'I guess I should just stop thinking so positive. This will never stop.' She thought to herself. It felt like she was just stuck in a bad dream and wanted to wake up. She looked down to her hand, giving it a little pinch. A little sniffy, Ellice turned to the kitchen to have a look there too. Empty was the word to describe the house. Her eyes gazed over to the windows. 'Or did dad move out? Do I live somewhere else?' Naturally, Ellice tried to be hopeful.  'No, that wouldn't make sense. I still had my key in my pocket.' She thought as she stared at the window in thought. In the corner of her eye, she saw a shadow moving past in the other room. She looked over to it "Hello? Dad?" She calls out, entering the room which she thought the shadow was in. After a moment of more disappointment, Ellice saw a figure outside at the window, waving at her with a bright smile. It's Charlie! Ellice gasped loudly "Charlie!" She called out, returning the smile. She was still sceptical, however. "Hey, Ellice. How are you doing?" He asked her, through the window. His lips didn't even move. Ellice's smile faded to the strange perception. "I miss you, Charlie..." She told him, looking at him at the other side of the window. "I know, Ellice." His voice echoed through her head. "How can I get out of this?" She asked him, simply demoralised. "Time will tell." He replied. Ellice knew it wasn't really Charlie, but again, she couldn't tell what is real. "I forgot everything about time, Charlie." Ellice said, with a faint frown. Walls seemed to start expanding, as if the room became bigger. Charlie seemed to stay behind the window, becoming smaller to Ellice. "Believe in your true self..." Charlie's voice once more echoed though her head, before she blinked. The walls shifted back into place as she blinked, at least, it all just happened in the blink of an eye, literally. Furniture had returned and the house seemed to be decorated with birthday balloons and other kinds of decorations.

Ellice needed a moment to take in the sights for herself. 'Who's birthday is this?' Ellice asked herself as she began to walk around the house. Everything was in place as she remembered it. Upon entering the kitchen, she saw a birthday cake with the name 'Holly'. 'Holly? Who is Holly?' She asked herself, alerted. "Ah, Ellice, there you are. I was looking for you. Your father needs your help in the garage." A female voice sounded behind her. Ellice turned to look up to a lady carrying a baby. "Who are you?" She asked, confused. An annoyed expression shifted onto the lady's face. "Don't be so stupid, you know well who I am." She nearly snapped to Ellice in a patronising manner.

Ellice's father entered the kitchen just after, the expression and tone immediately switched of the nice lady. "Oh, hello Mark! I was just telling Ellice to help you." She kindly said. Mark kissed the cheek of the lady "It's okay, Jane, I already did it myself." He said before he set his gaze to Ellice "I am disappointed in you, Ellice." Mark spoke "You haven't done anything or gotten anything for your little sister." He scolded her. 'What... the actual fuck?' Ellice thought to herself. 'My dad is a douche and... I have a step-mum and a sister?! I would rather walk naked through the streets.'

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