5. Break Away

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"Are you kidding me? Ellice, you can't get any more pathetic!" Mark snapped and scolded Ellice, even if he was standing there with Holly's present in his hands, he just wasn't grateful. Mark and Jane were furious, as they found out about the test in her room. No one else but Jane found it, obviously.

Mark raised a hand to Ellice as he was about to lay a smack on her face. Jeremy, being a good boyfriend, interfered for the sake of Ellice to escape the house. Things sadly couldn't wait. Luckily they were able to escape. At the cost of a bruised eye for Jeremy though. He bought Ellice enough time to gather her clothes and made a run for it.

The train smoothly slides over the rails, occasionally a little bumpy. The seats were covered with leather covers and there was a little table in front of the two. Ellice gazed out of the window, holding Jeremy's hand. Even if it still felt somewhat wrong to hold his hand, she didn't want to ruin this 'dream'. They were both fuelled with adrenaline and a sense of freedom. The ticket inspector did his usual check-up to inspect tickets of passengers. Jeremy showed their multi-ticket to the inspector. He quickly examined the dates before handing it back and moving to the next row of seats.

'Sometimes silence is just the best... which is weird because not long ago, silence felt so painfully awkward.

Ellice simply watched people step in and out at every station. They were travelling quite far. Jeremy mentioned his grandparents would love to have them over and provide them with things to survive until Jeremy had a steady income. As if it somehow started to seem like a perfect dream, the place where Jeremy was accepted was not far from his grandparents, too. Maybe too much of a coincidence?

It broke Ellice's heart to see Mark be such a horrible father. She remembered him to be nice and caring, she was everything to him. All these 'dreams' are starting to wash away the memories of Mark and how she remembered him to be like.

The two walked together down a road, it seemed to be a little village where everyone knew each other. 'Too bad I will never have the opportunity to get to know everyone here...' She thought to herself as she held Jeremy's hand. "Here we are." Jeremy said as they came to a halt before a little, cosy-looking house. There was barely any noise, compared to the city she grew up in. They passed the little fence, as there was a little path leading to the door. Flowers were planted neatly aside the path and the door had the typically old knocking ring attached to it, at least that is how Ellice called it.

They were let in and given a big cuddle by Jeremy's grandmother, Nancy. Nancy seemed very excited and happy that Jeremy came along and she gladly wanted to help! It was the first time she saw Ellice and Nancy seemed to adore her already! Though she hasn't heard the news of becoming a grand-grand-mother yet. She would be happy, regardless.

"Here you go, my dearies!" Nancy gave Ellice and Jeremy a cup of tea and provided them with a plate of Jammie Dodgers

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"Here you go, my dearies!" Nancy gave Ellice and Jeremy a cup of tea and provided them with a plate of Jammie Dodgers. She then passed over pack of ice for Jeremy's bruised eye. Ellice immediately began nibbling on a Jammie Dodger "Thank you, Nancy." Ellice politely spoke. "No problem, no problem." Nancy sat down, looking at the two. "Where is grandpa?" Jeremy asked, as he gently held the pack of ice against his eye. "Oh, he is taking Archie for a walk." Nancy replied, before she took a sip of her own tea. "Tell me, dearies. What troubled you to come here? Are you having a fight with your father again?" Nancy questioned Jeremy. Jeremy shook his head "Dad and I are doing fine, Ellice and I wanted.. or had to move out." Jeremy replied. "So who gave you that bruised eye?" She asked curiously. Ellice listened as she quietly ate and drank. "Ellice's dad was a dic-.. I mean, a jerk." He said, looking to his grandmother through one eye. "And you stood up for little Ellice here? I am proud of you." Nancy said, smiling. "We came here because I was scared her dad knew where I lived, since her step-mum seemed like a creepy stalker to her." He said. Nancy scoffs "...How sad. When I was your age, my mother wanted me out of the house as soon as possible. You two are old enough to make this decision and I will help you." She smiled.

Jeremy's grandmother seemed extremely nice and caring towards the two. Ellice for once felt a sense of security with her. Her husband, William, seemed to be less nosy, but that's typical, right? Archie the Labrador was so excited to see Jeremy he was jumping and barking all over the place, sprinting around the house like a headless chicken!

After settling in, Jeremy had confessed to Nancy that Ellice and himself were becoming parents. Nancy seemed happy and excited about it, even though Ellice and Jeremy both had mixed feelings about it, because it was all so new to them. Nancy wasn't even surprised!

It was late at night when Ellice and Jeremy were simply on the bed in the guest's bedroom, watching TV. "Ellice?" Jeremy suddenly asked, breaking the silence between the two. Ellice turned her head to him "Yes?" She asked. "I wonder why you ignored my messages for two days, before you called me." He said, puzzling about it. "Uhm. I don't know, to be honest." She said. 'I actually really don't know why I didn't reply for two days. I only was in this dream for a few hours before I called him. I don't know what I did before this. Maybe I do have memories somewhere deep down and really can't remember...' She pondered. "Okay, I was just worried because you just don't seem yourself right now." He said "Knowing you, I thought you'd be more carefree about it. But I guess it makes sense. Sorry for asking." Jeremy apologised. Ellice felt a rush of nervousness course through her body to his suspicion, because it would've been true. Jeremy pulled her into a cuddle, as he looked down to her "We'll stick together, no matter what." He reassured her. Ellice nodded, staying quiet. "It'll be fine." He said, much like his text message.

Once more, Ellice stared up to the ceiling of the bedroom, exhaling softly

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Once more, Ellice stared up to the ceiling of the bedroom, exhaling softly. Jeremy seemed to be asleep next to her, soundly. 'I can't sleep, does that mean anything?' She pondered, as she already took mental notes of the detail of the ceiling. 'What if this place is real?' She wondered, because she struggled to sleep! 'So Charlie was just a dream and I am actually... pregnant?' She pouted her lips lightly. 'Maybe I should go wash my face a bit and get some fresh air.' She thought to herself as she pulled herself up out of the bed. Her feet gently stride over the creaking floorboards, making her way to the bathroom. She opened the door with a yawn, stepping in as she minds her feet.

She turned her gaze up, it's pitch black. Her hand searched the wall for a light-switch. Eventually finding it, to flick it on. A bunch of large bright lights switched on and shone into her large pupils. 'Ah! Fuck. What is this!?' She squinted her eyes, looking into a large dark room. The door  behind her had disappeared. The bathroom was no more!

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