2. Drifting over the Sea

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"...Ellice?" Charlie questioned, looking to her. Ellice blinked, as if snapping out of some big daydream. She casted a glance to him "Yes?" She asked, as they were both on deck, the sun seemed to be about to touch the horizon, a warm glow reflecting through the ripples of the water. It's been their first day on the cruise, which Charlie's father hired for his family only. "You were deeply in thought, right? What were you thinking about?" Charlie asked her. Ellice stared over the sea as she rests her arms onto the railing. "Well... I actually can't remember." She snickered quietly. Charlie raised a brow to her answer "You seem quite off recently, like something is bothering you..." He began to speak "...Like you woke up from a bad dream and it's still bugging you." - His words were like he knew exactly what was going on. She looked up to him with her typically big, adorable eyes. Tempted more than ever she just wanted to tell him the truth. The only thing that held her back is the fact she will be gone, anyway. At least that is what she thought. Charlie returned the gaze to her, before moving his arm around her. "I know something is bothering you, but I won't ask, don't you worry." He said, reassuringly, as he gently pressed her against him. Ellice's cheeks became a little rosy to the gentle ways he treat her. She wished this moment would last forever, without a worry on the world, that would be the perfect life for her.

The young couple spent their evening together, talking about a lot of things. Charlie spoke about his past once again, which Ellice should've heard so many times, at least, the Ellice that was Ellice before Ellice was Ellice. Did I confuse you? - Once it became quite late, Charlie and Ellice went to bed and snuggled up in their fancy room, which Charlie was already used to. Ellice however is still blown away by everything. She never thought she'd ever experience this.

A warm palm rested upon Ellice's cheek, as Charlie looked to her face. Ellice returned the gaze as she began to wonder per usual. 'Have Charlie and I... ever been intimate? I don't know what he's expecting me to do right now. I've never done this before!' Her heart pounded in her chest as the colour of her face changed into a red hue. Before she could even think any further, Charlie had his lips locked onto hers. His scooped her into his arms, getting rather intimate. Ellice seemed to be overwhelmed but tried her best to go with his flow! After all,  she did adore him, even if she only knew him for a short time, Charlie knew her quite a bit longer as he mentioned to her that day, that they were childhood friends...

 Ellice seemed to be overwhelmed but tried her best to go with his flow! After all,  she did adore him, even if she only knew him for a short time, Charlie knew her quite a bit longer as he mentioned to her that day, that they were childhood friends

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Charlie sighed, laying flat on his back, looking up to the ceiling. He was catching his breath as he displayed a satisfied smile. Ellice rested her head onto his chest, as she looked over to the window. 'Whoa, I did it.' She thought to herself, surprised that she felt so comfortable and warmed up to Charlie. "That was great." Charlie told her, looking down to her. Ellice couldn't even believe she just had sex with Charlie, as it all just felt so natural to her. The skies outside were dark, adorned with bright, twinkly stars.

"Charlie?" Ellice said, as she clutches to the silky, expensive covers. "Yes, Elly?" Charlie replied, turning his gaze out of the window as well. "...I need to tell you something." She said. Her heart pounded once more, to think that she will tell him. Charlie turned his gaze to her with a concerned expression but ultimately stays quiet to give her time to gather her words she wants to tell him.

"...I have no memories of anything." She spoke, before silence painfully filled the room. Charlie needed to process her words for a moment. "What do you mean?" He asked, needing her to elaborate. "Well, I woke up this morning, no idea who you were, where I was... All I knew was myself." She said. "Dear me, that sounds like something horrible. Why didn't you tell me right away, before we left to get on the cruise?" He asked. "I.. That's not it. I mean yes, it is." Ellice exhaled, a little scared he would get angry at her, even though there was no hint of anger to be traced in his tone. "I have different memories, I feel like I'm not the Ellice you know." She said, being painfully honest with Charlie. Charlie sat up, looking to her with a serious and concerned expression. "Ellice, that's... that sounds more like you're just tripping hardcore." He said, as Ellice also sat up, looking to him. The gentle light of the sky shined upon the two as they conversed this important matter. "Charlie, you have to believe me. I've.. You're the first person I've come across that I feel I can trust. I don't even know how old I am or something. I don't know if you are a dream or if you are real." She told him. "...Of course I am real, don't be silly. Look." Charlie said as he moved his hand over hers, gently pinching her skin. Ellice looked down to his hand, tilting her head. "But everything feels real, at all times, Charlie." She turned her gaze back to him. "I know if I go sleep, I will be gone." She purses her lips together, forming a heartbroken pout. Her brows furrow. "Hey, hey now." Charlie spoke, pulling her into a big cuddle. "...You will be here tomorrow." He said. In truth, Charlie finds her words hard to believe, but he can definitely notice that she isn't lying about the lost memories. He stroked her hair as he pondered deeply to himself. Ellice closed her eyes "I want to stay here, forever..." She quietly told him. Charlie smiles faintly "You will be." He said, feeling confident, "You will be..." He repeated quietly.

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