12. Déja Vu

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The sound of buzzing wasn't to be avoided, in the tattoo shop. It sent chills down Ellice's spine. She was sitting at a nearby table, flipping pages through a book filled with artwork, artwork for the tattoo artist. She found many beautiful sketches and illustrations. One of them caught her eye. An illustration that seemed rather simple, nothing intricate. A little sketch of a swan, boasting a proud stance, wings stretched widely apart. There was something that she liked about it. "Ya found somethin'?" Isabella called as she's laying on a tattooing table, which was pretty much a massage table. She's getting inked up on her calf. "I think so..." Ellice said, after she gave herself some time to ponder. She stood up and approached the table, holding the book on the right page. She pointed to the swan, tapping on the paper as she showed it to Isabella. Isabella looked at her, then the book. "Ahh. That's damn cute. Would fit you." She said, smiling. Ellice couldn't understand how Isabella was casually laying there, getting her leg stabbed by plentiful needles simultaneously, without even wincing! "Does it hurt?" She then asked, as she held the book carefully. "No, not at all. But you can feel it, for sure." She said, relaxing on the cushioned table. Ellice watched the artist concentrate on the littlest detail on the skin, frequently wiping it with a white piece of tissue which was stained black. If it wasn't for the ink, it'd be red by the blood.

"There you go. All done." The artist smiled proudly of her work. Isabella immediately jumped up from the table and had a gaze into the mirror, twisting her body to see the backside of her leg. "That's damn cool!" Isabella cheered in satisfaction and surprise. "You always deliver that good stuff, girl." Isabella praised the artist. "That'll be forty then." The artist said. It wasn't just thirty. Isabella paid another forty before as she made the appointment. It wasn't a problem, of course. She paid and that was that! Isabella then looked over her shoulder, to Ellice. "So, Ellice, would you like to make an appointment for a tattoo or nah?" Isabella asked her. Ellice just finished flipping through the book, placing it down onto the table she found it. "I-.. uhm." She quickly opened the book, yet also carefully, flipping to a certain page. With shuffling steps, she approached the artist and pointed to the proud swan. "How much would that one be?" Ellice asked. Not that the price was an issue at all. The artist hummed "Ninety." she stated, cleaning up some equipment and removing disposables from the working desk. "I've a spot right now, if you like? Where'd you want it?" She asks.

Isabella looks to her friend, Ellice. Ellice pondered about the question, oblivious to Isabella's gaze on her. "Maybe... my ankle?" She asks. Isabella shifted her gaze down to her ankle and ponders. She was trying to picture the swan of the book on it. Adrenaline was starting to kick up inside Ellice, feeling a flow of nervousness echo through her body. "Sounds good." The artist then said. "So, are you up for it?" She wanted to make sure she was certain. Ellice nodded quickly and got out her wallet. "Ninety, right?" She said, pulling out her credit card from the wallet. "Yes, please." The artist answered politely, then helped Ellice with the payment.

Ellice laid down on the padded table, it was now her turn to get her skin poked. Lines of a ballpoint pen were drawn onto her ankle, as a guideline for the drawing. Ellice was immensely anxious and nervous. She didn't think it would've been that day, she didn't feel like she had a lot of time to prepare for it! As she heard the buzzing filling the room once more, she closed her eyes, expecting an unpleasant sensation on her ankle anytime soon. It'd feel like a gentle vibrating at first, before becoming rather sharp. She tried not to move at all, sitting quietly. Isabella squealed in excitement, seeing her friend getting her first ink! "You're doin' great, Elly, rockin' it!" She cheered her on, watching the artist work on Ellice's tattoo.

It didn't take an extreme amount of time, just like Isabella's tattoo, it was done rather quick. Ellice didn't want any color, she wanted it black, without shades. She found it prettier that way. To kill time, Ellice and Isabella had been talking about Charlie. It was as if the end of the buzzing would never arrive. Her skin began to feel quite painful. Heavily bruised, would be the perfect word, Ellice thought. Luckily, Ellice didn't have to suffer much longer, before the buzzing stopped. "Have a look." The artist spoke. Ellice was excited, yet so very nervous to see what it looked like! She re-positioned herself to sit upright, her eyes wouldn't look at anything else but the swan that has been inked permanently into her skin. She gasped, as she discovered the pretty little piece of art! Of course her skin was rather sore and red, but that's how it is. "Thank you! It's so pretty!" Ellice smiled brightly, feeling so very happy. She couldn't thank the artist enough. She felt like the ninety pound were very well spent! She was given some instructions on how to take care of the tattoo, so it heals in good shape.

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