10. The Last Reality

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Charlie's heart beat slow yet horribly powerful and loud. He could definitely hear it in his ears and feel the pressure in his head. He could feel his heart through his chest. The tension in his shoulders. The fear could be smelled. At this point, he was filled with adrenaline!

"Don't do this, Charlie, you don't have to." Ellice carefully told older Charlie, with caution and worry. "I don't have to, but I really bloody want to!" Older Charlie said in an angry tone. Ellice looked endlessly confused to the grudge he was having for his other version. She gazed at the two, quietly. She felt powerless, more powerless than any moment before. She felt even worse than when she found herself naked on the streets or locked up in a prison cell.

"Tell her. You killed her. So many times." He spoke, his words were sharp. He carried so much fury, Ellice could nearly see a dark aura around his body. Charlie closed his eyes, as he continued to feel the muzzle of the gun against the back of his head. "Shoot." He said, acting up a bluff. Ellice's eyes widened "What? No! Don't shoo-" Ellice's sentence couldn't reach the end by the sound of a loud bang.  What Ellice now saw, is what she couldn't describe. It was a large black spherical object, like a black hole. It seemed to freakishly warp anything close to it. Ellice couldn't find words to describe it, other than... 'It looks like a black hole...?' She tilted her head, freaked out and completely terrified at the big black solid matter. She reached a hand forward, to touch the black sphere. But even before her hand reached out to the sphere, she felt a warping tension pull her. Her hand seemed to be pulled by some rotation force around the sphere of blackness.

Ellice pulled her hand back, confused and terrified at what she thinks looks like a gap of nothingness. It was drawing her in more and more, as if it's hungry to consume. She let out a squeal of terror, before she's sucked into the sphere.

As if spawned on the spot, assembled like tiny fragments pieced together, Ellice found herself in the dark

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As if spawned on the spot, assembled like tiny fragments pieced together, Ellice found herself in the dark. It feels like the same place she found herself in before waking up in a hospital, except, it's like space now. It's cold, stars were all around her, glistening and shimmering brightly. She's convinced it could mean something. Was she unconscious again? She turned around, hearing the two similar voices swear at one another. She wasn't sure if she could believe her eyes or not, to see the two fighting each other. A part of her was expecting it to happen. "Stop it!" Ellice exclaimed at the top of her lungs. It sounded horribly dull, with no echo attached.

The two didn't want to cooperate or listen. It was in the heat of a fight. "You filthy little greedy snake!" Older Charlie insulted, "You should've been happy with what you had!" He snapped in anger. "No! I wasn't happy!" Charlie shouted back. "And neither is anyone else that exists!" Older Charlie snapped with a tone filled with rage and sent a harsh, big fist into Charlie's face. Charlie fell to the ground, which no one could see. Trying to get back up, he felt a foot press down on his chest, applying pressure. "Stay down, you don't deserve your happy ending." He said, confident with his words.

Ellice's eyes were filled with tears as she simply stood there, she was done with letting it happen. "Stop it now! Both of you!" She snapped. She steps her feet forward in a fast pace, approaching the two. She had enough, she's not taking it anymore! She pushed the older Charlie off of the Charlie she first met. "I don't care what he did, but I'm not going to let you kill him! What do you think will happen if you do? You tried it once, look where we are!" Ellice spoke sharply, feeling the need to take this in her control. "Do you think fighting will get you where you want to be?!" Again, tears made their way to the ground as Ellice is angered, furious, saddened. The two regained their posture, looking at her. "So... stop fighting like children. Charlie, what happened? What really happened? Is all this your doing?" She asked, burning for an answer.

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