Part 2- Wake

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Slowly waking up on the floor feeling weak, not being able to move. He sobs as he reaches his hand for his bump slipping a hand under his t shirt ,tears run down his face as he moves his head off the floor as he goes to move his head hurts. Reaching for his phone on the desk as it's too far.

"Mag..Magnus" alec whimpers but it comes out quiet "" Alec touches his head with his hand as he looks at the blood stains on his hand.

Magnus rushes to the institute hall as he sees Isabelle talking to Clary "hey, have you seen Alexander?" Magnus says voice concerned "no, have you tried his room or office?" Magnus nods as he didn't think of that stupid. Rushing down the hall he bumps into Jace "ah there you are!, wheres Alec?"

"Could ask you the same question, I was about to try his office" then they walk from the hall getting to the last two doors, Jace stops him hand out "be quiet a minute, hear that?" Magnus looks at him "hear what?"

Alec continues to kick his foot against the desk as he whimpers, Jace leading the way out the doors takes his seraph blade out, opening the door as he drops it to the sight of Alec laying on the floor, rushing in he kneels down "Alec!, hey we're here ,it's ok" ,Magnus kneels down beside him as he cups Alec's cheek "hey, don't cry don't cry" Alec looks at him "so..sorry" he manages to get out.

Magnus clicks his fingers as a spark of magic appears running it above Alec's head down to this leg then back to his bump. Letting it slip he puts his hand over Alec's on his bump ,Magnus gets his phone out holding it to his ear "voicemail" Catarina, Alec's pregnant and I need you to come to my loft he leaves a text.

Making a portal he kneels back down "ok, on 3 I need you to help me move Alec on to his back" Jace nods 1, 2 and 3 then Alec's on his back as he begins to sob louder, gripping Magnus hand "don't hate me. Please" Alec stutters as Magnus lets go "I love you darling" then he scoops alec up bridal style.

Getting through the portal ,Magnus places alec on the couch putting a sheet on the pillow as he lays his head down gently, Alec tries to sit up slowly looking at his bump "Mag..Magnus" Magnus takes his hand "Hey, it's ok" then the door knocks as Magnus clicks his fingers, Catarina walks in with a bag as she rushes to the coach "got your text, ok so what's happened?"

"Bang to his head it's bleeding and I need you to do one of those mundane things whatever they...." she cuts him off "I bought an ultrasound with me, hi Alec" she smiles at Jace then Magnus raises his hand as he starts saying magic and heals Alec's head to stop the bleeding "ok his head is fine, but can you hurry up with that whatever"

Getting the ultrasound ready she looks at Alec "ok Alec, when you fell did you black out at all? And where did you land?" Magnus looks at him nodding as Alec speaks quiet as Magnus has to repeat "he said he fell on his side and blacked out for a bit"

Catarina gestures for Alec's t shirt as Magnus looks at Alec while pulling it up, he squeezes Alec's other hand "ok Alec this is going to feel cold" rubbing the coldness on his bump she looks at the screen towards her then there's heels clicking the floor as the door slams shut "Alec!" Izzy shouts as she comes and sits beside Jace "what happened?" Jace tells her as Magnus focuses on Alec smiling.

Alec looks at Magnus as he cups his cheek "hey look at me, darling" Catarina goes over Alec's bump as she looks at the screen "aw, look at that you got a healthy baby and I can tell you the sex if you want?" Magnus looks at Alec as he nods "a little girl, would you like ultrasound picture?" Izzy squeals as Alec rolls his eyes

Magnus bends down as he gives Alec a kiss ,alec smiles at him weakly as Magnus wipes his tears "Yeah" then Catarina hands over the picture as they look at it together "that's our little girl" Alec says then Magnus moves his head sidewards as he gives him a long kiss "I love you both so much" Alec smiles when he pulls back ,then Catarina puts the stuff away.

Half hour later.

Alec lays in bed under the sheets exhausted as Magnus sits up next to him kissing his forehead "Magnus, do you want to be a family?". "Course my love, you?" Alec tries to keep his eyes open "Yeah I do babe" then Magnus puts his hand to Alec's head putting him to sleep "wish you wouldn't put me to sleep" magnus kisses his forehead "rest now, il be here when you wake up" then Alec is snoring as Magnus pulls the sheets down a bit as he goes on his knees putting a hand to Alec's bump smiling ,pulling his t shirt back down he pulls the sheets back up ".

He walks back into the other room as he sits on the couch as Catarina sits beside him "is he sleeping?, he will be fine you know" she smiles at him as he puts his head in his hands "can't believe we're going to be dads and the day he had was awful. He's going to have to take time off the institute unless I go with him, I can't leave him out of sight again".

"You won't have to" Magnus turns to Alec who's stood in the doorway leaning on the frame as he rushes to his side "Hey, I thought you were sleeping" alec turns to him as he leans on him walking to the couch "you know what people do when they sleep?, they wake up Magnus" Magnus rolls his eyes and Alec punches his arm "don't roll your eyes at me, this one is kicking like anything" Alec sits down as Magnus helps with the cushions"

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