Part 8- halfway

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Catarina made her way over to the couch as she sat beside Magnus "you text, what's matter and whys Alec on the floor?"

"It's my fault, I pushed him too far, he lost it" magnus says between tears "I don't understand?" She says as she hugs him "He was so happy last night and then I talked about having another baby" Catarina smiles at him "ah I get you now, let me talk to him. I think I may know what's wrong"

She gets back up walking to Alec "Isabelle" she says and then looks at Magnus as Izzy gets the hint and walks to him, Cat kneels down to Alec.

"Hey again, you want to tell me what's going on?" Alec looks at her "the voices. In my head they won't stop and Magnus kept on ab..." she pats his knee "it was an accident" she looks behind at the mess on the floor.

"Alec, I think I may have a diagnosis, you been tired and achy a lot? and has your bump after gone down?". "He wipes his eyes "my back aches and I'm exhausted and yeah it has, sorry for causing trouble" she nods then stands "how about we go talk to Magnus about what's going?" Alec stands and looks at her confused "Alec I know what you have, you have PND ,post natal depression" she looks at him with a hand out he nods.

Standing by the couch Alec keeps his head down as Magnus looks at him then at Kadie ,Catarina gestures for Alec to sit down but he takes a step back, then Isabelle looks at them "ok, so Magnus I've had a talk with Alec to see what's going on and maybe you two should talk it out and make up" Catarina smiles

Magnus stands slowly as he walks to Alec ,putting a finger under his chin he lifts his head "look at me darling" he says softly ,Alec looks at him as Magnus wipes his tears with his thumb and then cups Alec's cheek "I'm so sorry, for keeping on at you. I didn't know you was stressed I should've known and I shouldn't have added pressure" Alec looks at him not saying anything

"I'm sorry too" he says quietly then he brings their foreheads together, "me, you and Kadie against the world" Alec laughs lightly as Magnus kisses him and then pulls him into a hug as Alec holds him. Catarina smiles at Izzy "think my work here is done, boys take care of yourselves,yeah?" They pull back as Magnus gives alec a kiss on the cheek ,Magnus bends down picking up Kadie who's wide awake now.

He lays her in his arms as he walks to alec so she's between them, Magnus holds her with one hand as Alec puts a hand under her and Magnus entwines their other hand. "Look what we made" Magnus smiles at Alec as he looks up and speaks "why don't we lay on the sofa ,with a duvet the three of us?"

Magnus walks back in the room to Alec laying on the couch with Kadie on his stomach. She watches Magnus as he puts the duvet over them ,then settles on the couch beside them, as he lays down ,Kadie lays her head on Alec's stomach looking at him smiling. "She's smiling at you ,you know" Magnus looks at Alec ,as Alec grabs the hem of Magnus t shirt "slip this off, she will like to lay on your chest"

So Magnus does ,laying down now with his bare chest showing as Alec settles her on his chest and she moves her fingers as Alec smiles and rolls on to his side ,Magnus puts an arm round him "come here" and Alec moves closer so their bodies touch as he slips his leg between Magnus tangling them together. As he brings his hand over the duvet to wrap around Alec's shoulder.

"Just go to sleep Alexander" Alec closes his eyes as Magnus kisses his forehead

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