Movie Night (part 2)

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Cyrus placed down all the movies in a line along the table as he scanned through looking for the least scary, or at least what he thought was going to be the least scary, the movie order went:

IT, Annabelle, The conjuring, Sinister, ring, Insidious and jigsaw

'ok for one why do their parents let them have these movies and two why do they have these' Cyrus thought to himself "ok!" he said stepping back from the movies he laid out neatly "we have to pick one to watch first, so which is the least scary?....urm not cause im scared or anything pshhh no just cause i don't want you guys to get to scared" Tj chuckled lightly at Cyrus which took everyone excluding Cyrus off guard as they've never heard him laugh, well at least not in a genuine way, "anyway should we do a vote or-" Cyrus started before being interrupted by Buffy "i say we watch Annabelle!" "i agree with Buffy" Andi hummed whilst passing the DVD to Cyrus "o....ok you guys sit down and i'll put the movie in" everyone made their ways to the sofa leaving Cyrus to sort the TV out, Andi and Jonah curled up together on the two seater sofa at the left of the coffee table whilst Buffy, Marty and Tj sat on the four seater facing straight to the TV, Buffy was on the end closest to Andi and Jonah at the left, Marty sat net to her arm draped around her shoulder as Tj sat crossed legged in the center closest to the right.

the movie started up and Cyrus made his way over to the sofa sitting in the right corner "not being funny or anything but what if something grabs me cause i'm on the corner" "i think you'll be ok" Tj answered him in a soft voice also new to Buffy's ears, "this is weird first he laughs and now he's speaking nicely and is he smiling?" she whispered to Marty causing him to smile "i'm confused too" "Guys were all in the same room and i'm Fucking sat next to you!" Tj stated as everyone was looking towards the two and Tj's voice wasn't as soft anymore  "oh" Buffy sat awkwardly up straight "look the movie!" she pointed trying to get the attention off of her and Marty.

They were all sat quietly watching the move picking at the snacks and laughing at how they all screamed or jumped in unison, everyone was wide awake apart from Cyrus who was getting pretty sleepy but managing to keep his eyes open, his head lay comfortably on the arm rest of the sofa as he stretched his legs over Tj's lap, Tj didn't seem to mind so he stayed like that trying to stay awake but it was just not working for him, Cyrus's eyes closed and he was out like a light. 

it was towards the end of the movie before anyone actually realised, "is Cyrus asleep" Buffy questioned from the other end of the sofa Tj's eyes shifted down to look at Cyrus before answering "y..yeah" his voice was croaky as a crimson colour spread across his cheeks, Cyrus just looked so cute and small and- "I have an idea!" Andi almost yelled as she grinned evilly towards the others snapping Tj out of his thoughts, she untangled herself from her boyfriend got up and walked over to the shelf in the corner of the room, picking up a soft antique doll short and pale with golden curly locks witch hovered above the shoulder of its lilac dress, it was beautiful really but looked terrifying in the dark, the doll had a wind up back before playing the melody to 'you are my sunshine' quite a calm soothing song but still creepy at night in the dark. She walked over placing the doll in front of Cyrus's face winding it up enough to play its music, everyone sat back and watched as Cyrus started to stir moving his hand as if searching for his phone alarm "mmmmhhhmm" he grumbled before opening his eyes slightly, that did not last long because as soon as he made eye contact with the doll his eyes shot wide open and he screamed bolting himself upright falling back in the process into someones lap, he was too shocked to realise that he was sat in Tj's lap, Tj's legs were crossed creating a perfect seat for Cyrus, when Cyrus jumped back he didn't realise that one hand was around Tj's shoulders whilst his other grabbed his right arm, Tj's reflex to Cyrus falling back was his left arm to wrap around Cyrus's waist to stop him from hitting the floor, both boys turned to look at each other red faced accidentally making eye contact for a little too long before snapping out of their trance "WHAT THE HELL GUYS!" "HAHA you should've seen your face" Andi stated "and oh my God your scream" Buffy added this caused Tj to giggle a little trying to cover his amusement up with a cough but Cyrus heard him "i dont know what your laughing at i may be small but i'm stronger than i look" this caused Tj to burst out laughing "HAHA suuuurrreee HAHA you're a super strong muffin" Cyrus blushed and looked away " whatever" he pouted causing Tj to grin "awe does lil Cyrus need a hug" he mocked causing Cyrus to smirk "Maybe if you let him wear your hoodie" he said back causing Tj to laugh whilst removing his hoodie and handing it to Cyrus "does that make you feel more safe hhmmm?" "extremely" Cyrus put on Tj's hoodie feeling the soft warmth of the materiel, "gee guys get a room" Marty blurted out causing both boys to turn bright red and causing Cyrus to bury his face into Tj's shoulder also making Tj start to laugh again "mmm'shuddup" he mumbled into Tj's shoulder fueling Tj's laughter even more, they stayed close like this for the rest of the movie night enjoying each others company.


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