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Cyrus woke up to a crisp winter breeze gripping his face, nipping at the tip of his nose till it was pink, he was wrapped in a bundle of warm thick blankets which contradicted the cold weather, "damn it" he sighed as he rolled over noticing he left his window open bringing the blankets up to cover his face. His phone buzzed under his pillow "ughhhh" he dragged himself over and grabbed his phone, as his hand exited the blanket he got goosebumps from the cold he pulled his pillow up checking his phone, it was a text from the group chat which Tj had recently become a part of after apologising to Buffy.


TJ: anyone free today as it's a Saturday

BUFFY: sorry I'm with my mom today

ANDI: yeah I'm busy too, got some 'family thing' with Bowie

BUFFY: and Bex?

ANDI: honestly idk, Bowie Legit text me saying 'family thing' 😂

JONAH: yeah, im free tomorrow but I got guitar practice today and I really don't want a late night after

TJ: oh that's okay guys I'll find someone to do 🤷🏽‍♂️


BUFFY: haha 😂😂

CYRUS: hey guys what u talking about

TJ: hey Cyrus u free today, it's cool if not, everyone else is busy too lol

BUFFY: Cyrus I need to come collect my book later today from yours I'll get my mom to drive me after dinner but I can't stay cause we're going bowling 🎳

CYRUS: actually yeah I got nothing to do and yeah that's okay Buffy

TJ: awesome I can't wait!! Wanna meet at park in a few hours

CYRUS: yeah sure

Cyrus pulled his covers off in excitement, he's had a crush on Tj for a while but was too afraid of rejection from another straight boy, cold air Crawled across his body as he instantly regretted leaving the safety of his warm blankets, he stood up quickly running (or just walking at a fast pace) to the window and locking it shut. Cyrus walked to his dresser and picked an outfit for today which was just a pair of relaxed jeans and the colourful jumper he wore when asking Tj to his bah mitzvah.

after putting on his outfit Cyrus made his way downstairs to the kitchen "hey mom" he said grabbing an apple off the counter "good morning Cyrus" she said voice cheerful "hey is it okay if I go and meet my friend Tj at the park" "yeah of course, is he staying the night?" "Is that okay?" Cyrus asked raising an eyebrow "yes but i may not get home till late" she stated with a look cyrus knows all too well "thank you, and we will behave don't worry, I won't set fire to my food or flood the house" he said causing them both to chuckle.


CYRUS: I'm on my way also my mom says you can sleep over if you'd like

TJ: yeah I'd love to, I'll pack my stuff

Cyrus placed his phone in the back pocket of his jeans as he walked out the house feeling the cold air against his skin, forgetting how cold it really was and regretting not wearing a coat, he could go back and get one but that'll mean effort.


Tj made his way to the park kicking small pebbles below his feet on the pavement, he was wearing black jeans with his basketball hoodie, he didn't really feel the cold air that much, actually he felt quite toasty as he made his way further down the street before arriving at the park, making his way to the swing set.

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