Style (3/3)

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Cyrus woke up the next morning anxiety luring in his gut as he was not prepared or aware of what he was being forced to wear this was because with the other outfits he had somewhat of an idea of what he was wearing from Andi telling him and sending him pictures but he had no update about today, worst of all what if the outfit does not match or does not look good or fit, cyrus can not make a fool out of his style he has a reputation to uphold of the most stylish in the good hair crew, obviously with his fancy suits and sweaters.

Cyrus made his bed, put his small circular red alarm clock like those seen in old fashioned movies back on his chest of draws after accidentally knocking it off and made his way to Andi's house which to no surprise was filled with his friends Andi, Buffy, Jonah, T.J. and amber who just recently was forgiven and befriended by Andi and the group.

Cyrus knocked on the door before walking into the lounge; on his way in he bumped into T.J. who was walking the opposite way, both boys made eye contact for a moment before blushing and looking away "hey Tj" Cyrus said with his signature smile, this also brought a smile to T.J's face "hey Cyrus".

Everyone was sat in the the lounge with smug faces as Cyrus made his way in "okay before you ask we have no idea what everyone has brought so we have no idea if it will match or go together" Buffy shrugged with a laugh causing Cyrus to frown and T.J. to stare at that cute pouty lip of his 'no TJ, no gay thoughts right now' TJ reminded himself as he sat down, Buffy continued once Tj was seated "anyway so we did a random generator thingy.." "oh was it an app?" Cyrus asked "honestly not important" she continued "so we all brought a item of clothing for example I got shirt, Jonah got jacket, Amber got trousers, Tj got shoes and Andi got the accessories" she laughed at their silly game "so we're gonna dress you up like a doll" Tj stated smiling wide in Cyrus's direction which was reflected back, damn it was so contagious.

fortunately for Cyrus he was petite and most likely fitted in the girls clothes but unfortunately Buffy was the only girl who wasn't into glitter and dresses so he had no idea what to expect from the other two, everyone handed Cyrus their clothes waiting for him to come back out, "I'm not coming out" "oh cmon Cyrus!" Andi stated with a grin "it's just us guys, it's not like we're going to make you leave the house like this" Jonah joined "ugh!!" Cyrus slammed the door open getting shocked looks all around, it actually suited him, he was wearing Buffys thin black top that stated 'kinda care but don't really' that was tucked in to a pair of Ambers ripped denim short shorts which Cyrus has the legs for, along with one of Jonah's red and black checkered shirt tied around his waist, TJs Adidas trainers which were white with black stripes and finally Andi decided to throw in some snazzy shades which Cyrus didn't wear more like held them in his left hand.

Cyrus stood there unconvinced by his look but everyone was ecstatic except from TJ who was just stood staring in awe face a bright crimson colour, ears tinted red he bit his lip to stop his face from getting any brighter and stop him from saying something stupid Tj was brought out of his thoughts when he heard amber speaking "Cyrus do you shave your legs?" "What you jealous or something" Cyrus replied laughing "yeah!" "No I don't really need to yet, but thanks for the compliment" Cyrus laughed with a proud smirk this conversation caused Tj to look a Cyrus's legs and well his technique of biting his lip didn't work as his face seemed to heat up and get a darker red. 'He really does have nice legs and a nice A-' Tj again with the damn thoughts, he mentally slapped himself.

Everyone went back in the lounge and sat down except Andi and Jonah who were having a pleasant conversation in the kitchen. Amber and Buffy were talking about sports and fashion and the conversation didn't die surprisingly, where as Cyrus and Tj were sat on the other sofa. Tj got out his phone and started tapping causing Cyrus to get nosey "what you playing?" Cyrus said with a little smile, Tj just chuckled to himself before turning his flash on and taking a photo of Cyrus they both laughed and Cyrus like a ninja tried to grab TJs phone but he was too slow as Tj pulled it away from him before Cyrus could get to it "no fair" Cyrus moaned reaching over Tj for the phone as Tj leaned back holding it away from him, it took a while of Cyrus climbing across the sofa and reaching for the phone before "Got it!" Cyrus said loudly as he grabbed the phone with both hands grasping it tightly with victory, before realising he was on top of Tj.... straddling his lower waist; he froze in that position face heating up, "" he stuttered still not moving from his spot as he made eye contact with the taller boy "no...... I win" "wha-mpfh" before Cyrus could finish that Tj leaned up pressing there lips together, Cyrus took a few minutes to process what the actual fuck was happening but when he did he dropped TJs phone on the sofa and started kissing back. "GUYS!" Andi screeched as she walked in the lounge causing everyone to turn and look at the two boys "OH MY GOD! I KNEW IT!!" Buffy yelled as she turned around, the two boys pulling apart at a rapid speed, launching to opposite ends of the sofa looking down at there hands awkwardly.


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