one // tied

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Giselle Dean was violent when she was angry. Right now, she was very angry. Her father finished tying the thick rope around her hands, which were held to the bedposts above her head.

"Let me go, you bastard!" Giselle screamed loudly in his face.

"No. You are not going to hurt your mother." Her father, Jason Dean, replied, wanting to protect his very pregnant wife. "Or yourself." He added as an afterthought.

"I hate you!" Giselle shouted.

"So you've told me." JD said, standing up and leaving the bedroom, locking Giselle in on the way out.

Giselle looked at her free legs and started to kick them furiously, trying to hurt herself on the metal bed frame to no effect. Then she began to move her hands against the rope to give herself burns. As she did this, she screamed to be let go. This was her world. After a day where her father pulled a gun on her and her mother, Giselle became more persistent in wanting to die. She had already tried two more times since then. But her parents wouldn't let her die.

"Why won't you let me die!?" Giselle shrieked as a silhouette materialized on her desk. "Heather," Giselle breathed, feeling herself relax in the presence of someone she could trust.

"Gisellie," Heather greeted, referring to the young girl by a nickname. "He tied you up again, didn't he?" The ghost asked. Giselle nodded. The teenager rolled her eyes. "I'm so sick of this." She commented.

"You're not the one he's tying up." Giselle reminded Heather.

"Fair point. I'll get your mother to untie you." Heather tells Giselle, before leaving the girl alone again and appearing in front of her mother.

Veronica Dean jumped when she saw the ghost. "Jesus!" She cried.

"No, it's Heather." The ghost joked. "Easy to mistake me as him though, considering we're both oh so holy."

"What do you want?" Veronica asked.

"Go untie your daughter." Heather demanded. "She is a child, she shouldn't be tied up like that." She added.

"No, JD says she's dangerous." Veronica replied, rubbing her arms from the chill Heather brought.

"That's the pot calling the kettle black." Heather mumbled. "She's using the ropes to hurt herself. Untie her and lock her in, she'll be safer."

"But then she'll bang her wrists on the bed frame or the desk." Veronica said.

"Bruises is better than bleeding." Heather commented. "You'd know that," She smirked, eyeing a bruise on Veronica's face.

"She's bleeding!?" Veronica asked, worried. Heather nodded, watching as Veronica took a bobby pin out of her hair and unlocked the door to Giselle's room.

"Finally." Giselle said as Veronica untied her brush-burned wrists from the rope.

"I won't let him tie your hands again." Veronica promised her daughter.

"You said that last time." Giselle reminded her mother. "I've stopped believing you." Heather looked at the scene sadly, wishing she could help this little girl who was so broken.

"Elle, honey," Veronica sighed.

"Don't call me Elle." Giselle hissed. "I hate you, and I hate him. I hate your stupid baby." She continued as Veronica's hands fell to her rounded stomach protectively.

"You'll love having a little sister." Veronica promised.

"Maybe I would've when I wanted to live." Giselle countered. "Go on, lock me in so you can go back to your husband." She said, hurt. She used to be the most important thing to her mother, but ever since JD came back around, she didn't matter as much. Now with the new baby on the way, she'll fade away. Maybe she'll finally be able to die.

"Veronica!" Yelled JD, who appeared in the doorway. "Get away from her!" He shouted at Giselle, who smirked and shook her head no.

"She's the one who untied me." Giselle told her father.

"Veronica, we've talked about this. She isn't going to respond to the punishments if you give her her way." JD said gently, getting his wife to stand up.

"But she's just a kid, she shouldn't be tied up." Veronica murmured, vaguely repeating what Heather told her.

"Darling, she is extremely dangerous to you, the baby and herself. I can handle her, but you can't. Not in your state." JD replied, glaring at his daughter.

"But-" Veronica began.

"No more buts, you go rest." He said to Veronica, before turning to look at Giselle again. "I'll take care of this."

Veronica looked at her daughter wistfully, before leaving the room. Leaving her daughter with the monster that her father was. JD stared at Giselle, who stared at him. The two were at a stalemate. They both knew that Veronica would continue to help Giselle, she was her daughter. But they also knew she couldn't stop JD from punishing the girl.

"Can't you just kill me?" Giselle asked.

"You'd like to die?" JD questioned.

"I don't want to be around for your new little family. I don't belong here. Just let me die." Giselle begged. She was desperate. Death would be better than the punishments, than the monotone of her life.

"You're gonna be a big sister, I suggest you start getting your shit together." JD told Giselle.

"I don't want to be a sister." Giselle said in a tired voice.

"That's all this relapse is, kid, it's jealousy." JD lit a cigarette, taking a drag before continuing to speak. "You're worried your mom and I won't love you once the baby comes."

"I don't want your fucking love." Giselle spat.

"Maybe not, but you crave your mother's. You're jealous of me and you'll be even more jealous of your baby sister." JD blew the smoke out of his nostrils. "Oh poor Gizella, just a lost little girl begging to be loved by her mommy." He crooned.

"I hate when you call me Gizella." Giselle clenched her fists.

"I hate when you act like a psycho." JD countered.

"Like you're one to talk, murderer." Giselle responded. The second she said murderer, JD stood up.

"I suggest you cut the shit." JD growled. "The baby will be here any day now, you better shape up or I'll send you to live with Camille and Thomas." He left the room, locking the door on the way out.

"I hate him." Giselle said to Heather, who had been silently watching.

"Such is life, Gizella." Heather replied.

"I hate that nickname." Giselle whined, before flopping backwards onto her bed. She heard her mother scream and shot up. She ran up to the door and began banging her fist on it. "Let me out! What's wrong!" She shouted to no avail. She heard the car pull out of the driveway and began to cry. They left her, locked in her room, alone.

bleed // heathers // bruises alternate ending // CANCELLEDWhere stories live. Discover now