two // behave

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The door to her room opened the next day, her father standing there. "You better behave." He warned her. 

"Where's mom?" Giselle asked, scared at the prospect of being alone with her father.

"Hospital. Get your coat. Your sister was born this morning, 5:06AM." JD answered. Giselle went to grab her coat but JD yanked her arm, forcing her to look at him. "If you pull your shit, I will make your life a living hell. You hear me?" He asked, Giselle nodded weakly.

"Let's go see your sister." Heather said to Giselle after JD left the room for Giselle to get dressed. She put on a dress that she didn't really like, along with her hoodie. She paired it with her white converse and knee socks. She ran a brush through her dirty blonde hair before leaving the room, grabbing her camera, with Heather trailing behind her.

Giselle got in the front seat of her dad's truck, to go see her baby sister. JD wouldn't tell her anything about the baby, not how much she weighed or what color hair she had. They got to the hospital and Giselle ran into her mother's room. She wouldn't admit it, but she was really happy about having a little sister.

"Hey you two," Veronica crooned. "It's a girl - Adeline Penelope Dean. She weighs 8 pounds, 8 ounces."

"Is she blonde?" Giselle asked, hoping she had a sister with her hair color. The only other people in the family who were blonde were her great-grandmother, Camille, and maternal grandmother, Josephine.

"No, she has light brown hair." Veronica said sorrily to Giselle. "Hey, maybe the next one will be blonde." She tried to cheer up Giselle, who frowned when finding out the baby was brunette.

"I'm gonna go see her," Giselle said, leaving the room and going to the nursery. She found her last name instantly, and stared at her baby sister. She had a really round face, and brown hair. Heather stood beside Giselle.

"You were cuter as a baby. This one isn't so cute." She said, her lip curled up in disgust, making Giselle get defensive.

"She is cute. I love her." Giselle argued, looking at her chubby baby sister. She lifted up her Polaroid camera and took a photo.

"I think you've found a new muse." Chandler chuckled, feeling happy to see Giselle excited about something.

A nurse went into the room and took Penelope out of the bassinet, carrying her out of the nursery.

"Hey!" Giselle shouted. "That's mine!" But she felt a strong hand grab her shoulder roughly.

"No, Gizella, she's mine." JD said, a sinister grin on his face. He knew he had a way to control Giselle now, that his new daughter would keep the first one in line from now on. Giselle looked down at the ground, knowing that all the chances she had with Adelaide ended once he took her. "Come now, we have to go see your mother. That's where they took the baby."

"Her name is Adeline" Giselle hissed.

"I'm aware. Who do you think helped pick her name?" JD walked away, steering Giselle back to her mother's room and following the nurse who was holding his newborn daughter.

"Oh, Jason, she's beautiful." Veronica cried, her newborn in her arms. She gently touched the brown hair on her baby's head.

"I know," JD replied, not bothering to correct her about calling him Jason, knowing she was doing it to be sweet. "This one looks like me too!" He exclaimed with pride.

"She does." Veronica agreed. "We have my mini and your mini, maybe we'll get a mix next." She joked, reaching out to touch Giselle's locks.

"I think she looks like you." Giselle argued.

"No one asked you." JD replied, causing Giselle to wilt, making her curl more into her mother and herself.

"I'm gonna call her Addie." Giselle said.

"Could call her Ad." JD added.

"I like Addie." Veronica smiled at her baby daughter. "She's an Addie." She looked up at Giselle and JD, still grinning from ear to ear.

"Well, Addie it is then." JD smiled at his wife.

"Welcome to the family, Addie." Chandler said, only to be heard by Giselle, who smiled.

bleed // heathers // bruises alternate ending // CANCELLEDWhere stories live. Discover now