nine // bail

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Veronica just finished posting JD's bail, Paige on her chest in the carrier and Addie and Giselle beside her. JD came out of the room, with his normal clothes back on. She smiled at him and he smiled at her. "Let's go home." He said to her and their three girls.

"Okay." Veronica said.

The small family got in the car and drove to their house. Once they got in the house, Addie went to her room and Veronica laid Paige down for a nap. Giselle sat at the kitchen table with her father while Veronica did that.

"I cannot believe you turned me in." He said. But Giselle didn't respond. "Baby!" JD called for Veronica, who came running to him.

"Yes?" Veronica asked.

"You have to get everything we need together." He explained.

"What, why?" Veronica questioned.

"Are you really that stupid?" JD asked and she looked down at her feet. "We have to leave. We can't just stay here."

"No, we can't leave." Veronica argued and JD stood up and got really close to her.

"Do you need a reminder that you don't make the rules?" He asked.

"No." Veronica replied, looking down again.

"So, I need you to pack for Addie and Paige, I'll pack for us." JD said.

"What about Giselle?" Veronica asked.

"She can pack for herself." JD told Veronica. "Go." He said to them.

"I'm not going with you." Giselle said as Veronica began to walk away.

"Yes, you are. You're our daughter." Veronica argued, turning back around to face her teenage daughter.

"No, I am not. I'll stay here." Giselle responded. "I am not going anywhere with him."

"It's not a choice." JD told his daughter. "Go get your stuff together."

"I don't want to go with you." Giselle told her father.

"Like I said kid, it isn't exactly a choice. You got us turned in." He shrugged.

"No. I turned you in." Giselle replied. "There's a difference."

"Not much. Now, get your shit together." He said. "Also, give me your phone."

"What, why?" Giselle asked.

"Just give it to me." He demanded, holding out his hand. Giselle sighed and pulled the chrome flip phone out of her pocket and handed it to her father. He promptly snapped the phone in half.

"What the hell!?" Giselle shrieked, standing up angrily. "I paid for that!".

"You aren't gonna text one of your friends and tell them where we go." JD told her. "I'll get you a new one for your new friends if you go pack."

"I don't want to." Giselle replied.

"I'll sweeten the deal, you can get it in that cherry red color you wanted." He offered and Giselle sighed, knowing that any chance she had of survival depended on that cell phone.

She went in her room and locked the door, Heather materializing beside her once she turned the lock. "So, you're getting a red cell phone. How very."

"Yeah, I guess it's cool." Giselle said.

"I wish I could have a cell phone. I really miss Heather." Heather said.

"Which one?" Giselle asked.

"McNamara. She was my best friend, ever since kindergarten." Heather answered.

"Ashlee was my best friend." Giselle replied. "But Lindsay was hers."

"You know, you can totally reinvent yourself. No Ashlee, no Lindsay. You can rule your new school." Heather said.

"That actually doesn't sound too bad." Giselle smiled at the thought of becoming popular. She decided she wanted it.

"I'll help you find things that look good on you, tell you how to do your hair and makeup." Heather offered.

"Okay. Let's do this." Giselle agreed.

"I'll pick out your clothes." Heather said, going to the closet and pulling things out.

bleed // heathers // bruises alternate ending // CANCELLEDWhere stories live. Discover now