three // who do you think you are?

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Four Years Later

Fourteen year old Giselle sat in the bathroom, adding pink to her blonde hair. Adeline sat on the toilet seat, watching intently.

"When will mommy and daddy be home?" The younger girl asked. They had been leaving Giselle and Adeline home alone frequently lately, with Giselle in charge to cook dinner and put her younger sister to bed.

"I don't know, Addie." Giselle sighed, continuing to massage the pink hair dye into sections of her blonde hair.

"I want mama." Addie said, her bottom lip beginning to quiver. They had been gone a whole day. They heard the door slam, making them both jump and begin to shake.

"Be careful what you wish for," Giselle muttered. "Mom?" She asked loudly, taking off the gloves and throwing them out as all she wanted was some streaks. The door slammed again.

"You fucking bitch! Don't walk away from me when I'm talking to you!" JD screamed from the other room.

"Stay here." Giselle whispered to her little sister. Giselle went out there, seeing what the ruckus is. JD had Veronica's arm, holding it above her. "What's going on here?"

"Nothing that concerns you!" JD yelled at Giselle.

"Get the fuck off me!" Veronica shouted back. Addie ran into the room at hearing Veronica's voice.

"Mommy!" Addie cried. Veronica wrenched her arm out of JD's grasp and reached for her toddler..

"Not in front of her!" She hissed as Addie ran up to hug her legs. "Hi baby!" She cooed to the child.

"Mama!" Addie said happily.

"Oh, so it doesn't matter if it's in front of me?" Giselle snorted.

"Young lady, what's in your hair?" Veronica asked as she hiked Addie onto her hip.

"Hair dye." Giselle replied, irritated that her mother ignored her. "It washes out."

"You aren't allowed to dye your hair." Veronica told her teenage daughter as her younger one buried her face into her neck, scared by the noise.

"You aren't allowed to just leave us here." Giselle countered. "And he certainly isn't allowed to drink." She added, knowing her father becomes dangerous when he drinks.

"You don't tell us what we do." JD said, stumbling over to grab his teenage daughter's arms roughly. "You hear me?"

"Get off me." Giselle winced at his touch.

"I'll do whatever I want, Gizella." He smirked.

"That isn't my fucking name!" She yelled, right in her father's face. He let go of one of her arms and smacked her in the face.

"Don't get violent or we'll put you in your jacket." JD threatened as Giselle blinked back tears. He had gone on Ebay and bought an old straight jacket with a lock, so Veronica couldn't free Giselle of her restraints.

"I hate you!" Giselle shouted.

"Your choice." JD snickered, pulling her into his and Veronica's bedroom to put on the jacket. Even yelling was cause to be put in the jacket.

"Babe, please don't put her in the jacket." Veronica interjected softly, standing in the doorway with Addie.

"Rather I put you in it?" He asked an empty threat, he always threatened to put Veronica in the jacket or to get one for her but he never did.

"She didn't do anything." Veronica argued.

"She dyed part of her hair, she yelled in my face and tried to tell us what we can do. She's spending the night in this thing." JD responded, pushing Giselle onto the bed and lying on top of her to slip her arms into the jacket. Giselle fought back, kicking at her father and even biting his forearm. He got the jacket on however, as he was much stronger than her. "You little bitch, thinking you can bite me." He muttered. She flinched as tears began to pour down her cheeks.

"This is child abuse, you know that right?" She said through her tears as JD locked her into the jacket. "You can't just lock me into this thing."

"Yes, I can. And I have." He said, putting the key into his trench coat pocket before turning to Veronica. "And if you let her out of it, I'll beat you." He promised.

"I hate you!" Giselle screamed.

"So you've told me." JD snickered, before kissing Veronica's cheek. "Make us something to eat, I'm going to buy a muzzle for the little shit." Something else he threatened was to buy her a muzzle.

Veronica stood there, holding Addie and watching Giselle cry on the bed. "I'm sorry, Ellie. I really am." She whispered.

"I don't care anymore, mom." Giselle snapped. "You've said you were sorry ever since you he started to act this way towards me. But you don't do anything. You let him treat me like this, treat you like this. You're a doormat." She added, standing up wobbly and going into her room.

bleed // heathers // bruises alternate ending // CANCELLEDWhere stories live. Discover now