seven // where are you taking him?

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They pulled up at Memorial Hospital and the two cops and Giselle got out and went inside and to Veronica's room. Giselle went in first, while the cops talked to the hospital staff.

"Hey Ellie." Her mother greeted, holding Paige in her arms.

"Where is he?" Giselle asked.

"He went to get me a snack. Why?" Veronica asked.

"Just wondering if he went to get Addie." Giselle answered, making up a lie quickly. JD came back into the room and ruffled Giselle's hair and kissed Veronica's head, handing her the candy bar and lifting Paige out of her arms. Giselle smiled guiltily, he was finally being nice to her and she turned him into the police that have wanted to arrest him since she was a kid.

Then a nurse came in, Vertes and Green following.

"What's going on?" JD asked, placing Paige in the bassinet next to Veronica's bed.

"We all knew this day was coming, Jason." Green said.

"Don't call him that." Veronica said in a scared voice. "He doesn't like to be called that."

"Put your hands behind your back." Green ordered of JD, ignoring Veronica. His job to was to get JD away from Veronica and his daughters. It was Vertes' and the nurse's job to deal with Veronica.

"What? Why?" JD asked, trying to keep cool and collected.

"For the murders of Heather Chandler, Kurt Kelly and Ram Sweeney." Green told him.

"They killed themselves." JD told Green.

"No, new evidence shows that you killed them." Green said. "You managed to trick us for 16 years."

"He didn't do that! I did!" Veronica cried.

"No, honey, you didn't." Vertes said, rubbing Veronica's arm. "That's what he wants you to think."

"Where'd you get that evidence?" JD asked.

"I can't say." Green told him. And instantly, he knew.

"You little shit." He said to his daughter, who's eyes widened in fear. "You turned me in."

"Did you really turn him in?" Veronica asked Giselle, who simply turned away and ignored her parents.

"She's been proven to be unstable, officers. I'm sure she gave you her diaries. She has a very vivid imagination. Did she tell you that she sees the ghost of Heather Chandler?" JD tried to place the shame on his daughter.

"No, Jason. But she gave us pictures too." Green said.

"Of what?" He asked.

"Well, the one I remember vividly was of your wife on the ground, bruised and having a miscarriage." Green said.

"How do you know about Heather and Kurt and Ram?" Veronica asked Vertes.

"Giselle gave us your diary too," Vertes told Veronica.

"It's time to go now." Green said to JD, who smirked and kissed his wife.

"Use my account and post my bail, okay baby?" He told Veronica.

"You were supposed to take Paige and I home tomorrow." She cried.

"I know. Have Camille or Valerie do it, okay? Don't go by yourself." He told her, touching her cheek gently.

"I won't. I love you." Veronica said, tears in her eyes.

"I love you too baby. I won't be gone for long." He kissed her again before letting Green escort him out. Green muttered about how sweet the moment was to Vertes, who said she was going to get some water for Veronica and Giselle. The nurse took Paige back to the nursery.

"Why would you do that to him?" Veronica asked Giselle the second JD and Green had left the room.

"I'm not afraid anymore." Giselle responded.

"He could go to prison for years." Veronica said.

"I know. I just don't care." Giselle replied. "All of us will be better off without him."

"They would have never found about what happened if you didn't take my diary in." Veronica told her.

"They needed to know everything. I'm not going to let him get away with hitting Addie. He deserves to be locked up! Hell, he might not even go to jail. He'll probably end up in an insane asylum!" Giselle shouted.

"You could have gotten him in on what he does to me and you! Not what he did to them! That was years ago and none of it matters anymore." Veronica argued.

"It was murder!" Giselle yelled. "Murder matters, mom. Or does it just not matter because he did it?"

"That's not true." Veronica said.

"It is true! You don't care what he did because he did it." Giselle replied, folding her arms over her chest. "Just like how you don't care when he drinks, or when he beats you or me or when he does anything. And you wanna know why, mom?" Giselle asked but Veronica didn't respond, she was trying to shut down. "It is because you are so blinded by love for him that nothing else matters to you. Not me, not my sisters. Not even yourself."

"That is not true!" Veronica gaped.

"It is. You have been the most selfish person since he came around. It has been seven fucking years and you get worse and worse by the day." Giselle said. "All that matters is him. And Addie mattered for a bit, but then, just like me, she stopped mattering. Paige matters now but how long until she doesn't?"

"The three of you will always matter to me!" Veronica cried.

"Maybe. But not as much as your husband does." Giselle added. "You put him first."

"I put you girls first." Veronica argued.

"How delusional are you!?" Giselle shouted.

"I am not delusional." Veronica responded.

"You are. And the second the judge puts him up for bail, you'll pay it. Because you do exactly as he says. He tells you to do anything, and you do it. You used to say no, you used to beg to have a job, you used to have some guts against him." Giselle said. "I wonder what happened." She added as she left the room while Vertes came back with the water.

bleed // heathers // bruises alternate ending // CANCELLEDTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang