four // puke

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Giselle kicked her door, which was closed and locked, the next morning. She knew it would be about time that her father woke up with Addie, while her mother slept a little later. She stepped backwards as she heard the door being unlocked. Her father stood there.

"Are you finished?" JD asked.

"Yes." Giselle mumbled weakly, her throat was dry and her nose itched. She just wanted to get out of that damned straight-jacket. Her head turned towards the doorway as she heard Veronica run to the bathroom. JD unlocked the jacket and let her out, Giselle cracked her knuckles immediately. She hated the jacket.

"I'm sorry that I keep doing this. I just want you to behave. Go help your mother while I get Addie." He said in a timid voice. Giselle nodded, walking to the bathroom and standing there in the open doorway.

"You alright?" She asked her mother, who was vomiting.

"No." Veronica coughed out. "I think I have that stomach bug Addie had."

"You're sure it's not anything else?" Giselle asked. Veronica thought for a moment, doing math in her head. Giselle sighed. This was the second time this year that this was happening. The last time was just a scare though. "When was it?" She asked, referring to her mother's period.

"Three months ago." Veronica said, feeling embarrassed. Giselle bent down under the sink and pulled out a pregnancy test from a box, annoyed that her mother missed her period so many times and didn't do anything.

"Take it." Giselle demanded. "Right now." She added, holding out the test to her mother. Veronica stood up, closed the door and took the test. Giselle sat on the edge of the bathtub and waited with her mother. After a few minutes, Giselle picked up the test and scoffed.

"What's it say?" Veronica asked.

"You're pregnant. Again." Giselle tossed the test into the trash and washed her hands. Veronica cried into her hands while Giselle stood there and watched. "You have to tell him this time, last time he didn't know, he beat you so badly that you miscarried." She said.

"But he'll be mad." Veronica whined. She never wanted to make JD mad, she was scared of him.

"And he won't touch you while you're pregnant." Giselle said softly, touching her mother's shoulder. "I'll tell him with you." She offered and Veronica nodded, standing up with her daughter. The two went out of the bathroom to see JD sitting on the couch with Addie, who was eating animal crackers as breakfast.

"Babe?" Veronica asked, JD looked up from his book.

"What's up?" He asked, noticing the worried look on his wife's face and the annoyed one on his teenage daughter's.

"I'm pregnant." Veronica said, trying to sound happy. JD laughed a little.

"You're joking." He said, smiling.

"I'm not." Veronica replied. He stood up and lifted Veronica into the air.

"This is great!" He exclaimed. He turned to Addie. "You're gonna be a big sister, Addie."

"No!" Addie pouted.

"It isn't an option, Ad." Giselle explained. JD grabbed Giselle, pulling her into a hug.

"You're gonna be a big sister, Elle." He told her and she smiled a tight smile, a tear falling from her eye due to being held by her father again. She truly wanted her father's love, but only when he was like this.

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