Closing Author's Note

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  I will be discontinuing this, but if you guys would like me to make more, I'll start again on a different story rather than continuing here. It will be anonymous just like these, with the same rules: all honesty, and all anonymous. If you would like to read more random letters from me, for any reason, just let me know! I don't mind making them, but I feel like I should just discontinue this one.

  I didn't expect this to get that many views, but thank you all for deciding to read my letters to random people. You guys mean a lot to me, knowing that at least some people actually read my stuff. 

  Also, I'm gonna do something. Kind of like a game, I guess. I'm thinking of a number between 1-300. I will not change my answer, in fact, I have it written down. If someone guesses the number correctly, I will name the people these letters were for. All of the letters. All of the people who they were for. If someone does guess correctly, I will post another chapter on here saying who the letters were for (in order), but I will not keep it up longer than 48 hours (two full days) of me publishing it. If you're one of those people that guess all of the numbers up to 300, you're not cool. I ain't allowing that and you're guesses will not count.

  Guess away, my guys.

  But besides that, this is the end to this story. Thanks for reading. 

  -Lucas Wolffe

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2018 ⏰

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