We meet again

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Starting from Ch. 210

The human realm was in chaos. Powerful gods like Zeus, Poseidon, Hades,etc, and demons like Satan, have been wrecking havoc all over the Earth. Contestants from the God of Highschool competition are not willing to die without a fight. Pouring all their strength to protect the human race, with help from various powerful people. Yet, it does not seem to be enough. The non-human beings are slowly getting the upper hand, leaving tracks of blood and dead bodies. While all of this is going on, Mo-Ri Jin is still trapped in the Sage Realm, contemplating on how he is suppose to get back to his friends. There he was in an abyss filled with giant versions of random objects he'd seen in his lifetime, as he sat down on Yeoui. While sitting down and thinking, he spots something floating towards him. As it grew closer, he identifies it to be a scythe, a pretty big one to say the least. The long blade was about 50 cm in arc length but 25 in width as it was sharp as a knife, poking out of the bandage it was wrapped in. The whole thing was 2.5 meters in height as it towered over his figure. When he reached for the handle, a string of luminescence wrapped around his ring finger. It covered the base of his finger with its silver cylinder shape, but had a gold triangular infinite sign in the center, as well as the gold rims on the top and bottom of its shape. Mo-ri tried to pry it off his finger but it wouldn't budge, then the bandaged scythe wrapped itself to his back. Not knowing how to take these objects off of him, he let it be.

Suddenly, he heard the voice of Il-Pyo resonate in the abyss of the Sage realm. Mo-ri went off and tried to find it, but it disappeared before he could've continued. Fortunately he found that the planet of the Ore Country has been put back together. Once he landed in the Ore Country, there was no trace of his monkey subjects, buildings nor vegetation. He sees a really big mountain that held a cave that could inhabit a building at least 10 stories tall. His ring started glowing the closer he got to the cave. A vault like door blocked his way, leading the ring to grow brighter than when he first had it. There a key hole, the shape of a fist, but the space where the ring finger is suppose to fit, had space for a ring. Fitting his right fist into the key-like-hole he turned his hand clockwise, unlocking the huge door. The door's small trinkets started to wind and turn like gears as the door slowly slid to the side. Stepping inside, there was vegetation growing on the walls and flowers blossomed on the ground, as a waterfall ran down in the back leading to a large in ground like pool. A sort of crystal that looked like icicles illuminated the cave. As he kept walking toward the lake, there was a compass stone, in which the sun would produce a shadow showing the time. A 3 story, big dome like structure was built against one of the mountain's walls near the waterfall. It had a golden roof and white stone walls, with cathedral like windows, but with a hexagon shaped windows on the roof, and was attached to a 3 more other smaller dome like buildings with the same design. Mo-ri couldn't put his finger on it, but he feels like he's been in here before. The moment he reached the pool and waterfall, there was a huge flower that held a small baby girl wrapped in a white fabric. She looked peaceful, and had long white hair that contrasted her brown skin. Mo-ri's ring was glowing as bright as a star now, and it woke up the baby. She slowly opened her eyes as a small and adorable yawn left her lips. Mo-ri brought the flower closer to the edge and brought the small girl into his arms. She seemed to be reaching for his ring, where she wore an identical one connected to a chain around her neck.

Instead of taking the ring like he had thought, she placed her small hand in his large one and had a small smile of content plaster her face. Small giggles were heard from the baby girl. Mo-ri found this very adorable and savoured the moment, till she started floating out of his grasp and was morphing in front of him. He watched with wide eyes, as the baby that once in his arms, grew much taller, older, grew white hair that led down to her thighs with a bun at the top, and a tattoo marked her right arm. The white fabric that once wrapped her, wrapped around her body and became a dress, with two side slits, a cut where her stomach was visible, and a diamond pattern near her neck. She had gold bracelets on each arm, a chain like belt, with diamonds on her waist, and a sort of leaf headband on her head. The ring that was once on her chain, slipped onto her right ring finger. The mysterious being, looked at Mo-ri with beautiful eyes, which the left was black and the right was white. The scythe that was once on Mo-ri's back came off, as the bandage slipped off revealing a variety of diamonds, approximately 6; a turquoise(water), a garnet(fire), a white diamond(life), a purple sapphire(air), a malachite(earth) were at the handle at the base of the blade, and a tourmaline(death) at the bottom of her handle. The weapon floated behind her as she flashed a reassuring smile at the Monkey King. She bowed before him and as she lifted her chest back up with a smooth and delicate voice she said,
Girl: Welcome back... my King.
Mo-ri did not have the words to talk to her back. She seemed to be around his age. He just looked at her as if she was a mythical creature that dropped from the heavens. He was amazed. Her eyebrows furrowed worryingly as her king did not respond back.
Girl: King?
Mo-ri: Oh! Um....s-sorry! I just....uh... I-
Mo-ri did not know what to say as meaning less words came out his mouth. He suddenly stopped as he heard a small giggle escape the girl before him. This made him smile, as he enjoyed the sound of her voice.
Girl: I guess you don't remember me.
Her tone seemed a bit sad, and Mo-ri thought he did something wrong since he couldn't remember who she was.
Mo-ri: I'm sorry.
His voice was low. He honestly felt bad that he couldn't remember such a beautiful person. Honestly, he's never really felt attracted to women even in his day and age, but this.... this one seemed special.
Girl: Oh that's fine. It was expected that you wouldn't remember after your resurrection. But when the time is right, you will remember, and I'll explain everything you might've forgot.
She smiled contently at him.
Girl: Follow me.

She began walking out of the cave, the scythe, presumed to be hers, floating behind her. The moment they were out, she turned around and with a snap of her fingers, the cave had shrunken down to a small diamond, in which she picked up and hooked to her chain like belt. Once sure it was secured, she turned on her heels and walked onwards, Mo-ri following next to her, till they reached city wreckage. A small robot like creature came out. The creature saw the mysterious girl, she did a sealed lips sign to tell him to ignore her for now.
Mo-ri: Did you see a white giant passing by?
Creature: He went to a skyscraper.
Mo-ri: Where?
Creature:I'm not gonna tell you.
The little thing lead him and the girl to an underwater city, after getting a beating since he wouldn't talk. It explained that the skyscraper had 10000 floors, each with monsters, but the last 7 had guardians that lead to the next floor. Of couse the girl new this, but didn't say anything. He expanded Yeoui and penetrated exactly 9993 floors, leaving the last 7 stable and unbreakable. The girl deadpanned since it is something we would do.
Girl: Reckless as always. You haven't changed have you, Mo-ri.
Not wanting her presence to ruin Mo-ri's mission, she disguised herself, so that only Mo-ri and the creature see her. Mo-ri took the living thing as his guide, he jumped in and fought monsters all the way to the 9994 floor, as the mysterious girl followed along, where he met the first guardian.

And so it begins....

My King (OC x Mo-Ri Jin)Where stories live. Discover now