A New Contender

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The atmosphere became tense and quiet. So quiet you could probably hear a pin drop.
Executive: And who might you be?
Iris removed herself from the executive and moved her arms to her side and bowed.
Iris: They call me Sirius Him. I'm sorry to have interrupted your non-permitted fight.
Executive: Are you perhaps a part of the consolation matches?
Iris: Yes sir. I will take my leave now. My executive is waiting.
Iris went back to Master Shiva and they continued down to the arena. But thanks to her interference with that fight, she was able to get a closer look to that blue-haired-boy's aura and she was sure, it's Mo-ri Jin.

Apparently, the consolation matches were divided into two, so only one person from each match can move onto the finals. In the second match, Iris was the only girl willing to take part in such a brawl against men. Many people from the audience and the opponents kept eyeing her. Some, like the now known Mo-ri Dan, gave glances of uneasiness thinking she won't be able to make it out alive, while much others only took in her looks, gawking and drooling. When the bell to start the match rang one of the big and buff contestants came up to Iris who stood surrounded by everyone else. He gave an intimidating smile that did not falter Iris, but sure did creep her out.
Buff guy: Hey there pretty lady. Imma let you take the first punch on me okay?
Iris: Are you sure you wanna do that?
The other contestants and the audience laughed a little unknown to the danger that is about to happen to that man.
Buff guy: Come on. What can a girl like you do?
Iris: *sigh* Alright.
She extended her arm and gently flicked her finger onto one of the man's abs. That small flick was enough to break his 2 ribs, pummel his stomach, knock the air out of him, and send him flying out of the ring. The audience turned white out of shock and very so happened to catch the eye of Mubong Park. The contestants looked at her, unsure of what to do. Iris took this opportunity to hit them with lightning speed. She went so fast that it looked like as if she was teleporting. When she came back to her spot, in the middle of the ring, that's when all her opponents either collapsed unconscious or went flying outwards. It was quiet, but then the audience raged with excitement. Cheers we're going off, some even started fan-clubs within seconds. Iris exited the ring and went to her waiting/training room.
Ch.367~ proceeding

Iris' next match was the quarter finals national treasure matches. Not wanting to expose her Salmgwa Jug-eum (her scythe) she was told to pick one from the assortments given on the tablet. She chose thin staff with a small blade the width of a piece of paper and a long pristine white bar. Just by touching it, she knew it belonged to the fairly strong goddess Tara, a goddess of Buddhism who is said to have reached enlightenment. Kneeling down on one knee, Iris bows her head towards it speaking in a low voice:
Iris: I ask thee for the honour to borrow your power in my time of need.
The staff glows with approval as Iris gets up and heads down to her match.

Thanks to the help of the national treasure and her own powers harmony together, she was able to easily end the match with a victory. The audience screamed with happiness at her victory as she walked down to the exits. Just as she was halfway down, her fake icy blue eyes makes contact with a certain golden pupil. She looked at Mo-ri Jin, now Mo-ri Dan who looked at her with a simple blank face. Iris quickly changed her eye colour, from blue to black and white and back to blue, knowing Mo-ri would see it. His eyes widened at her as a smile came on his face. He remembers her.
Mo-ri Dan: You did good out there.
Iris: Thanks. I'll see you in the ring soon.
Iris quickly winked and left, but was unknown to the blush that appeared on Mo-ri Dan's face after she walked off. Dean, who was standing behind him, saw the pink appear on his cheeks and quietly tried to hide his laughter, while Mo-ri clutched his chest with his right hand not sure of what was happening to his heart at the moment.
Dean: You like her, don't ya?
Mo-ri Dan: Huh!? N-No! We're just good friends.
Dean: Sure..... Whatever you say master Dan.

The tournament proceeded on with the fight between Mo-ri Jin and Dean. Through several observations Iris has come to the conclusion that Dean is very good and mimicking other fighting styles, most specifically Mo-ri's. Making accurate copies of Jaecheondaeseong's fighting style can be an advantage depending on who they side on during battle. If Dean were to side with Iris and Mo-ri during the next war, that's an advantage for them, but if he were to go against could cause some pretty big problems. Leaning against one of the exit doors, Iris gets a telepathic broadcast from Daewi.
Daewi: Peach has been discovered be ready for anything.
Iris: Got it.
Iris went closer to the ring hunching over the handrails, looking for any sign of Mo-ri getting discovered. She soon got a glimpse of an executive bringing in a severed arm to Mo-ri. Shit! That's peach's arm! Master Shiva get ready for upcoming battle.
Master Shiva: Understood.
As soon as Mo-ri saw that arm, his fighting has gotten aggressive. Dean was thrown across the building all the way to the back row at the top of the bleachers. Immediately several, even tens of executives came surrounding the ring as Mubong Park came with Peach at his side. The audience came down screaming several insults to the poor blond girl as she clenched both her eyes and jaw. As soon as Mo-ri said death penalty, Iris knew he didn't want to but didn't have a choice. Of course knowing Mubong Park's barbarian ways, it was obvious he was going to decapitate her right in the middle of the arena. Thankfully Mo-ri Jin stopped him thanks to Dean's borrowed power, seeing 5 seconds ahead and seeing Peach's death penalty.

Suddenly at once and the bleachers were blocked off from the ring with thick steel curtains. Iris was blocked off, but remained calm knowing Mo-ri's capabilities. Aw cmon'. I wanna take part in the fun too. Iris thought to herself devilishly. Using her air suit abilities, she became the consistency of air rendering her invisible. Easily she punched a hole through the metal curtains with only slight suspicion from other executives and slowly made her way to the closest row near the ring, watching attentively. Several executives with strong borrowed powers including Hercules, Behemoth, and Orochi were present. Those three borrowed powers came flying towards Mo-ri until lucky for the, Xiaochen made a barrier for them.
Xiaochen: Proceed with Plan A.
Daewi sent something telepathic to both Iris and Mo-ri Jin.
Daewi: You can save Ahan Dan, so now do whatever you like. That goes to you too Iris.

Iris' voice echoed around the arena as she laughs with satisfaction.
Iris: It's about time I show myself.
Across the ring of the arena, Iris removed her invisibility and stood before them.
Mubong Park: No way....
Iris: You better believe it Mubong. Now I've waited 17 years for this moment.
She raises her hand moving her fingers in her direction.

Iris: Let's do this.

To be continued....

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2018 ⏰

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