A New Generation

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Iris: I AM the Supreme God.
The judges and Mo-ri couldn't believe the words that exited that girls mouth. Although she just smiled casually as her scythe rested on her shoulder. Her eyes looked at Mo-ri who looked on with amazement. Thoughts raced in his mind; is she that powerful? How come She says she knows me? Can she become a potenti-!
Iris: Although, Mo-ri should still be crowned the Supreme God. Even if I do wield most of the gods' powers, I'm not skilled enough to use them yet. Honestly I woke up a couple hours ago.
Odin: So what you are saying is that Mo-ri should be crowned the Supreme God because he is more skilled than you? But you have a much power. Why?
Iris: Because he beat me in a battle a long time ago. It was that battle that proved his worthiness to this title.
A small smile came into her face but it left as soon as it appeared when suddenly something came sprouting upwards beneath Iris' feet and time seem to slow down as the last thing she saw was Mo-ri's shocked face as it swallowed her whole, a giant noise of teeth closing hard echoed in the atmosphere. It was R's greed, Tam, and it was in the midst of eating the whole Earth itself.
Satan: IRIS!

Tam continued to devour anything it came across; from the severed angel warriors, to the remainer of Odin's maids, to innocent civilians. In the end, all of the chaos caused by Ragnorok was all an opportunity for R to break the taboo on the human realm, but the big cost of this achievement is the sacrifice of 100 thousands of people. Soon enough, Tam ate itself out of existence, as it regurgitated all the people it had devoured, but when Iris emerged as her battle suit morphed back to her white silk dress. Unfortunately she didn't move. Satan ran to her side to check what was up with her and immediately noticed a disappearance in power. The souls of all the gods that were once in her have all vanished. Looking at R for an answer, he could see her essence floating above him. Iris' essence was then divided into the several gods that made up her power, even the goddess that birthed her was there. No matter how hard he tried, she didn't wake up. There was no brain functions. No heartbeat.
Mo-ri: Why is Iris still unconscious!?
Odin: Iris' body had only one purpose for us and that was to store all of that power we gave her when we pledged to her, like mentioned before. Because R took all of her magic power, the body you see is nothing but a vessel. Iris herself is basically dead.
Mo-ri and Satan's faces dropped in horror and anger as R bragged of his accomplishment in his now white suit.

R: Humans have achieved their independence. At a big cost you say? But isn't your hard-earned independence worth far more than all those sacrifices?
Mo-ri: That's not for you to decide, R.
A battle erupted between them. Mo-ri screaming everything bad R had done to him and the innocents. In return R yelled everything the human species had done horribly to him because he was mistakenly considered "God's child". The fight continued even up to an extent that R borrowed power from Odin, Satan, and used all the gods to fight Mo-ri. They continued sending punches and kicks, one blow after another without rest. To finally, Mo-ri made R realize something. R had never opened to anyone about his past since he thought they would use him again. All the judges stood up for him as they take responsibility for not knowing sooner. And just as they were about to reconcile, A sword thrown by Sang Man-Duk stabs R through the abdomen, and then he disappears. The gods' powers are released form his hold and they enter back into Iris' body. Satan runs immediately to her side as she gasps for air and holds onto her fast beating heart. She looks at her surroundings trying to process what is going on, but the atmosphere is so tense that no one says a word. R lays on the ground with Mujin Park at his side still bleeding from the wound. Before his final breaths he informs Mo-ri of Mira and finally gets up and walks into the light joining his deceased. Iris watched everything and got onto her feet. She wobbled slightly but still maintained a proper posture.
Mujin Park: Are you okay Queen Iris?
Iris: Yes. But I can't say the same for your world.
All around them was crevices , rubble, fires and smoke erupting from the damages.
Monkey warriors: QUEEN!
A small smile came on her face as she saw her citizens safe with only minor injuries. Mo-ri looked over to the monkey people bowing down to her and thought he was the only royalty to them. Apparently not. Odin had brought Il-Pyo back to the Human realm as an award for their victory.
Q: How are we suppose to rebuild from this?
Everyone looked around to the disaster that we call Earth around them.
Iris: I can help with that. Just let me.....
Her eyes scan the ground for any signs of possible plant life. A sprout is all it takes. Till finally her eyes come across a tiny, but healthy green sprout growing from inside a small crevice.
Iris: Aha. There you are.

She extends her left hand that holds Salmgwa Jug-Eum as it floats out of hand and into a vertical alignment. Slowly she brings her 2 hands together forming an upside down triangle, the symbol of Earth.
Iris: Salmgwa- Malachite: Eve Jigum
Her dress goes back to the green Earth suit from before as the scythe transforms into the 2 meter long tree root bow, with a giant harpoon sized arrow. The arrow had swirls of magic energy that looked like luminous silk as small sparkles and transparent flowers appeared around it. Her cloak was swept in the wind aimlessly with the sun glowing in the back. Iris looks back at Mo-ri with hope evident in her eyes.
Iris: Hey Mo-ri...
Mo-ri: Hm?
His head tilted side ways. A confused face covered his features questioning what she was gonna say next. A smirk came on her pink lips.
Iris: You better catch me.
She winks at him and before he could protest, Iris had leaped 33,000,000 feet into the air (10,000 km) entering the Earth's atmosphere. She stretched the string on her bow, the harpoon like arrow growing larger and larger. Finally she lets go and the arrow hits the small sprout inside the crevice. Within seconds, grass, trees of various kinds, several varieties of flowers, etc sprout tremendously from the cracked surface. The once cracked tectonic plates, are rebuilt using the various boulders scattered across the globe. Giant rain clouds form and pour down so much water to fill up the once dried lakes from Ragnarok and then disappear. Animals come out of hiding and slowly frolic into their revitalized environments. The Earth looked as good as new (except for the whole missing of buildings and cities and a part of human civilization). Being satisfied, Iris finally gives into the exhaustion taking over her entire body. She transforms back into her dress and her scythe slips out of her unconscious grasp as she falls out of the Earth's atmosphere at a fast speed.
Mujin Park: Hurry up! Catch her!
Luckily, Mo-ri catches her like she had told him beforehand and slowly lands back on the ground with Iris in his arms. Her scythe falls blade first into the ground a couple meters away from the two. He examined her features. She was tired, eyes closed lips sealed, but there's a slight crook of a smile. He smiled at that and he saw the monkey warriors and bulls bowed down to them. Jin Tae Jin hooked an arm around his grandson's (Mo-ri) shoulder as he too looked at the girl in his arms.
Jin: So who exactly is she? A lover maybe...?
Mo-ri's cheeks tinted slightly pink at his grandfather's question. Honestly he wish he knew who she was, but a lover? Maybe...  She did say they had a past, well... implied they had one.

Odin: I believe the queen needs more time to rest. She did go through a war between gods and humans after just being woken up.
Mujin Park: Iris has given us the first step to a new generation. We'll take care of the rest from here. Satan, Odin, and all you creatures may go back to your realms now.
With a smile nod, they all obeyed. Odin transported the warriors back to the Sage realm as he and Satan went back to the Heavenly realms.
Mujin Park: Mo-ri, do you think you can hold on to her a while longer while we build a shelter?
Mo-ri: Sure.
Mujin Park: And someone take her scythe before it gets stolen.
Judge Q went to take the handle.
Q: I'll handle it.
He pulled on the handle but it wouldn't budge. Other guards, even the bishops came to help but to no avail, it was to heavy and clearly lodged in there.
Q: How much does this thing weigh!? It's about the same size as my Joker's scythe!
Mo-ri: Maybe it's like my Yeonji. It may look frail and skinny, but it weighs over 83,000,000 tons. I guess these type of weapons are made to be wield by a specific person.
P: So what now?
Mo-ri: We can leave it here. It's not like anybody can carry it.

Mujin Park: Alright then! Let the new generation go forth! But first....!

To be continued...

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