I've Waited Too Long

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Finally 17 years were up. There on the edge of a cliff stood Iris with her scythe in hand. As a disguise her outfit consisted of capris sweat pants coloured gray, with a matching gray sleeveless crop-top hoodie, and black combat boots. Her pants and hoodie had mystic symbols on the side connected to a fairly big cross/pentagram symbol on her back {A/N: Photo above}. Her hair was cut to about between shoulder and neck length with black roots. Her goddess tattoo was hidden, and her eyes were an abnormal shade of dark blue with regular black pupils, for someone of dark skin. Due to Ragnarok and training, she developed scars on her back, a star-like scar on her side near her hip, and a scar that went over her right eye down to her cheek.

The warriors composed of many creatures of the Sage realm stood behind her awaiting to give their goodbyes. The goddess queen turns around and looks at them. How they've changed and pushed themselves for the sake of this realm, its environment, its people. Taking one more breath, she raises her scythe and points it to the sky with pride.
Iris: The time has come for my leave. Guardian, Master Shiva, will be joining me on the journey. Be ready for anything when I send the war signal. Protect one another from harm and danger. I promise to bring back your king even if it takes a lifetime, and my own. I beseech this primate, Myung, as your leader in my absence.
They all bow and yell out a 'yes ma'am'.
Iris: We've waited too long.
Iris turns back to the edge of the cliff and with her scythe cuts a rift in the air, creating a portal. On the other side you can see Korea, specifically the new God of Highschool tournament facility. This is where Mo-Ri's present is strongest.

Iris and the guardian jump through the rift as it closes behind them. There seemed to be no guards around, but as a caution, Master Shiva turned invisible to not attract any attention. Iris shrunk her scythe to about 1 inch in size and attached it to a chain necklace under her hood.
Master Shiva: Your highness, if you become a participant in this so called tournament you will have more opportunities to get close to the king.
Iris: Yes. But we need to find an executive to bring us in.
Suddenly, Daewi appears around the corner along with one of the old bishops. He sees Iris and smiles slightly to find an old ally.
Daewi: Iris.
Iris: Daewi it's nice to see you again. But let's cut to the chase.
With a small smirk he looks at her through his bandaged eye.
Daewi: You're here for Mo-Ri aren't you. Also, you think that I can get you in the tournament right?
Iris: Like a book, you read right through me. We have the same objectives. Get revenge on Mubong Park and rescue Mo-Ri. In addition in getting your other teammate back, the one with the King's body.
His smirk fell as he looked dead straight into her now blue eyes.
Daewi: So what's the plan?
Iris: It's simple on your part. I need you to get me an executive that my guardian, Master Shiva, can be disguised as to enter me into the GOH tournament. Once I become a participant, we'll exchange information back and forth to see how we can get this bastard for what's he's done 17 years ago. Although there is more to it on my part.
Daewi: What do you mean by that?
Iris looked at her surroundings then back at Daewi who had a questioning look.
Iris: Let's not talk here.

They walk to a secluded area in the city, a place with barely any citizens, except for Daewi's followers and bishops.
Iris: Shiva you can come out now.
The guardian came out from her invisibility only this time wearing more appropriate clothes, a black jumpsuit with boots, and has shrunken her size to that of average female height.
Daewi: We should be fine here. Please continue on with your explanation.
Iris: Yes, as I was saying, I have a responsibility as one of the only gods left to look over the people of both Sage and Human Realm. You were unconscious but  17 years ago, the citizens of the world only have borrowed power now because of Tam, the greed entity which belonged to Judge R. Unfortunately, some of those borrowed powers come from me. Tam swallowed and absorbed the power from the several gods and demons, who started Ragnarok, that I absorbed and implanted them into approximately 10 citizens. Those 10 citizens are worldwide, but I believe some of them have entered the GOH tournament.
Daewi: Were one of the gods, a human like bird with blue and purple wings?
Iris: Yes. His name is Garuda and was once Mo-Ri's friend a long time ago back in the Sage Realm. What happened to his user?
Daewi: Well the user lost Garuda's power after using it too much in a fight. We was recorded as a non-borrowed-power user and was removed from the tournament.
Master Shiva: It is possible that Garuda is regenerating in the Demon Realm since he is not one which gives away power to others, especially humans.

Iris was sceptical but there is really no other explanation for what happened to that demon.
Daewi: Well you're just in time. There are looking for new participants to take part in consolation matches.
Iris: I'm guessing you already have someone scouting inside the GOH building disguised as an executive right?
Daewi: Heh. You'll receive your executive this evening, in which this guardian of yours can copy and bring you inside the tournament.
Iris: Thanks Daewi.
Daewi: No problem. Just look after Mo-Ri until we can make up a plan to get back at Mubong Park.

As said, an executive kidnapped by Daewi's undercover agent was brought that evening. Master Shiva replicated the executives face, hair, suit, etc to the very last detail and took his executive pass to get through scanners. Iris decreased her power level by 152,357,868% giving her the power level of exactly 10 to not raise any attention or suspicious eyes. After thanking Daewi for his cooperation, Iris and Master Shiva went back to the GOH tournament building. Some executives stood by the entrance and checked their bodies and executive pass. Finally, the two got in and we're guided to a room to fill out some paperwork. Iris listed below:

Name: Sirius Him
Age: 17
Parents: n/a
Borrowed power: Goddess Dae-Soon (Goddess of the Moon)
Fighting style: n/a
High school: n/a
National treasure/ weapon: none
Physical Description: Dark skin with blue eyes. Silver dyed hair with black roots, neck to shoulder length. Wears matching sleeveless hoodie and sweatpants capris designed with mythical symbols, with black combat boots and fingerless gloves.

Executive: Why are parents not applicable?
Iris: I am an orphan, so I don't know who they are.
Executive: And fighting style?
Iris: I freestyle when it comes to fighting so it's not very specific.
Executive: Alright. Put the bracelet on her.
Another executive came in with a cuff like bracelet and attached it to Iris' right arm, as well as gave her a bright orange piece of paper reading, Participant 75. A digit on her cuff read a Hp of 10, just as Iris wanted. One of the executives in the room saw the number and immediately made a call to Mubong Park. With her good hearing, Iris picked up on the conversation.

*Phone call*
Executive: This participant that just came in has a hp of 10 sir.
Mubong Park: 10 eh? Put them in one of the consolation matches just to make sure.
Executive: Understood.

Once he hung up on the phone call, he turned to Iris.
Executive: Follow me.
Iris, her executive (Master Shiva in disguise) and the other executive walked through the halls, until they passed a specific hallway. The hallway caught Iris' eyes within a millisecond as she sees a very familiar face. Another executive, one with curly hair and face dotted with freckles, stood in front of a blue haired boy ready to throw a menacing blow. In an instant Iris stood between the two, holding the executive, while another man pushed the blue haired boy out of the way just before the executive's attack struck him. The freckled executive's arm was held under Iris' right arm, which then went behind her back and her left hand held his wrist. Her right hand, fingers pointed, barely put any pressure on the executives trachea, which could lead to a fatal injury if applied to hard. Her fake blue eyes piercing his green/brown eyes which laid behind those rectangular glasses.

Iris: I thought executives didn't fight with participants unless necessary. So... what's your excuse?

To be continued...

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