17 Years

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When Iris woke up after a good year of sleep she rounded all the warrior creatures in the Sage realm. From monkeys, to bulls , to dragons, the guardians, random monsters, etc anyone who was willing to fight under her command and leadership. It all started with basic training to build physique and teaching them several different fighting styles used in the human realm, as well as mastering them herself till she was as perfect as any martial art master in the universe. Iris' warriors never stopped pushing themselves to the limit, even through injury. Their dedication to the king and queen is what keeps them going for years and years. This took up about 9 years of their time.

Throughout the training Iris has kept an eye on the Human realm in random locations but mostly in Korea. Everywhere, in every country, state, city, village, the humans had gained borrowed power. A couple even had the power of some the ultimate gods and demons that Iris possesses. Must've been from when R's Tam absorbed my power and gave a fraction to several civilians. Iris thought. Over the years she pin pointed where those who had the power of the ultimate gods and demons to later take away such a dangerous power. If ever their power were to get out of control, the god or demon they are borrowing will take over their mind and body and be resurrected again. That is something Iris must prevent at all costs, or else a second Ragnarok might occur.

Once all the fighters and creatures built their physique they moved on to magic. Of course Iris could never give them actual borrowed power since it would be too dangerous. The guardians, some of which she had to resurrect, helped each creature in what they are most powerful in. Iris would train with them to see of how they could give her the advantage in battle if needed. For the monkeys, she trained in her Earth suit since they had a bigger advantage on land. The dragons were in air because of their ability in flight, the bulls were in fire since they could withstand high temperatures with their leather textured skin. Each creature under her leadership grew in their own way giving out noticeable changes in both physical and magical characteristics. Unfortunately, Iris felt she had a much greater power within her. A monkey warrior, one who was part of the group that found her after Ragnarok, had told her about this mysterious, evil side of Iris. He noticed jet black veins crawling up her arms and legs, hair slowly fading to black, eyes bearing a red and purple iris, not one shimmer of light reflecting. He thought something horrifying and irreversible might've happen if Iris didn't notice the ring on her hand. Feeling this has a connection to Satan, she immediately went on to contact him.

Going through her universal library located in the dormitory on the far back of the mountain, Iris looked for any magical communication methods to contact her father. After going through numerous books, she finally found a spell that involved a piece of reflective glass. So... a mirror. She went to the main dormitory, the one with the gold roof, and went to her body sized mirror. The book also said it is mandatory to be in darkness for it to work, as well as a candle and knife. Iris closed all the openings of the mountain/cave blocking all sunlight from the skylight/opening of the mountain and the entrance. With the small knife in hand, she carves a pentagram, Satan's famous symbol, on the side of the candle and lights it up. The candle was the only source of light in the entire place as it sits in from of the mirror radiating its orange colour across the room. Stepping back, Iris slowly recites:
Iris: Spirits corse through space and time. I ask thee to respond tonight. As the element of air sends you my message, thou shall hear. May my voice be heard. May your senses be clear. As I command thou spirit, Satan, to appear!
The smoke emitting from the candle's flame creates a huge cloud of smoke inside the mirror (A/N: that means it's not actually in the room, but taking literal place INSIDE the mirror). Clouded with what seemed to be mist Iris's father, Satan, emerges in the mirror arms crossed with a stern look on his face.
Satan: I see you've figured out the communication spell: Buleum Jumun (Calling Incantation). What is it that you ne-
Iris: Teach me how to activate and master my phase 2 and 3.
Satan: What are you talking about?
Iris gave her father a look telling him that she wasn't gonna buy is act.
Iris: Don't play dumb with me Satan. You really think I don't know about these phases I possess and could possible enhance through training? Teach. Me.

After a moment of staring between the two godly beings, Satan releases a sigh and looks at his daughter. Ruby coloured eyes looking into black and white eyes.
Satan: Alright. We'll start tomorrow, but be ready. Your second and third phases are something that exceed all other powers, and is very dangerous.
That type of information got Iris a little paranoid. If it's so powerful she could possibly hurt innocents, hurt her subjects, Jin Mo-ri... She looks at her ring and clenches her fist tightly. I will retrieve him. I've waited almost 26 years {A/N:Human years} for this. I can't back down now.
Iris: I'll do it. I'll do anything to protect him. Them!
She points to her wall referring to the warriors, mythical creatures, and guardians training outside of the mountain.
Iris: I will not be the killer you wanted me to be, but a saviour of all people of all the realms, alongside my king! Even if I die in the process!
Tears slid down her cheeks as she shouted proudly at her father inside the mirror.
A sharp chuckle was heard from Satan as he uncrossed his arms settling them along his sides. A small smirk on his features.
Satan: Jaecheondaeseong, your subjects, everyone you hold dear are very lucky to have someone like you looking over them. Even though I don't approve, I know your mother would've been proud of what you've become.

Suddenly he disappeared from the mirror, only leaving Iris and the slowly fading candle light. Her knees buckle making her collapse to the floors onto her knees with her dress pooling around her in waves. Iris clenches her heart creating wrinkles on her dress, tears slowly rolling to her chin and falling to the floor. Looking into the mirror, she can see the reflection of her scythe floating behind her. All it's elemental stones and wide steel blade reflecting the light of the candle. Slowly getting up, Iris reaches for it as the candle slowly burns out.
Iris: I will save them. All of them.

As she gets a grip of the handle, the candle burns out.

To be continued...

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