Chapter 3

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Hadiza is now walking on the street without destination. On her way. She met a woman who is more than willing to help her.

The woman helped her and took her to her house. Pls have a sit. She gestured. Pointing a very red old sofa. Hadiza smiled and said "Thank you" as she sits on it.

Hadiza looked round the parlor, it looks very old. Up the celling, there were cobwebs. The woman then entered a tiny room where she brought out a silver cup of water. she gave Hadiza to drink. Hadiza smiled and gulped the water down to her dry throat.

She then asked Hadiza about her life story and how she got kicked out of her husband's house.

Hadiza told her everything about her life and how she got kicked out of her husband's house.

Hadiza is now living with that woman in a hut near a Provence. Hadiza is always working in the house. In the morning she dusts the rooms and sweep as well. As she removes the cobwebs attached to celling.


Mr. Dikko is always thinking about her, all the wrongs he had did and so on.

One day, someone knocked at the door, as Hadiza rushed to open it. By the time she reached the door there was no one there. She was about to close the door when she realized that a basket was kept in the front of the door.

Before she gets to open it,she heard a baby crying from that basket. Hahhhgh! She stuttered. What's in there? She whispered to herself. As she bows down to open it, she saw a baby. Ha.ha.halima she stuttered. It was her missing baby Halima. She then brought her out of the basket. As the warm tears rolled down her face.

My baby she said, Halima my child where have you been??
That's how she kept  talking to Halima as Halima kept smiling. Hadiza was really happy. She then bathed Halima and changed her clothes.(When Mr.Dikko's mom threw Hadiza out of the house. She was lucky that some of her baby's overalls were inside her luggage).

Zainab (Hadiza's saviour)came back and as she enters the house, she saw Hadiza jumping up and down ,singing and playing with Halima. Salamu Alaikum! She said, as Hadiza stood up and collected the things in her hand. Sannu dazuwa. said halima. Sannu hadiza. Said zainab. Where did u got this baby from? She asked. Aunty it's Halima. My baby that got missing months ago. Alhamdulillah! Said Zainab. As she collected Halima from Hadiza's warm arms. A very beautiful girl! she muttered. As Hadiza left Halima with aunty Zainab. For her to pray zuhr.

By the time Hadiza finished praying, she did her supplications and thanked Allah for bringing back her daughter after all these while.

By the time Hadiza gets back to the parlor, Halima was already asleep.

Aunty zainab now asked Hadiza how she found Halima. Hadiza told aunty zainab every thing.
Aunty Zainab was really happy for Hadiza. As they ate, prayed and thanked Allah for bringing back Halima to them. They continued living in joy and happiness. As Halima starts to grow she tends to become more beautiful.

One day a woman came into Mr. Dikko's office . knock knock. Come in please, said Mr. Dikko.

A woman entered the office "Assalamu Alaikum". Said the woman. "Wa alakumussalam"replied Mr. Dikko. Good afternoon Sir.Afternoon.May i be of any help to you said Mr. Dikko. No sir! But maybe I can help. Said the woman. Mr. Dikko looked confused. And he gave the woman a weird look. Sir, am here to talk about your missing daughter Halima.

Mr. Dikko looked very curious. Am listening, he said.
I was the person that stole your daughter Halima. I was payed by your mother to steal Halima and take her with me so that your wife Hadiza can leave the house because of her neglectness. Mr. Dikko kept listening to that woman without offering a word.

Do you mean to tell me that my daughter is still alive?
Yes sir, your daughter Halima is still alive.

Where is she now? he asked.
She's with her mother Hadiza. Whhaatt!!! She's with her mom Hadiza?
Yes sir, Halima is now with her Hadiza ur X-wife.
Ohh my God! He sobbed. Rubbing his forehead in tense.
And my mom is behind all these. He asked the woman.
Yes sir she is behind all these. Because of the hatred she had for your family. Most especially your wife Hadiza.
Pls can you give me Hadiza's address(the house she lives in now). Yes sir. Thank you very much, concluded Mr. Dikko.

The woman took Mr. Dikko to a small provence where his daughter and her mom lived.
And she showed him Hadiza's hut. Mr. Dikko's eyes were full of tears, he tried to control his self but it was too late. As tears of joy rolled down his face.
He wanted to go and confront Hadiza but he felt so down and guilty.
Mr. Dikko took the woman  back to her house, thanking her for the help she offered. As he went back home very frustrated. Mr. Dikko's mom knew that her son was not ohk. Because if he was ohk,  when ever he comes back home. He always enters her room before going to his room.

Mr. Dikko entered his room and shut the door bgahhmm!! It sounded.

Mr. Dikko's mom knocked at the door" knock knock". Goo awwayy, screamed Mrs. Dikko. Son, what's wrong with you, what's the matter? She said calmly. I said go away. Yelled Mr. Dikko.
Yes son, said Mr. Dikko's mom. But if you need anything, am right here for you. She concluded. Leaving the room.
Mr. Dikko felt like screaming to the whole world.
My mother, my mother, my motherrrr!!! How could you do this to me. I did everything in my power just to make you happy and satisfied, and this,  this is what u give me as a reward? Why mom! Wh--yyyhhhh!!

As  he bursted  into tears.
Mr. Dikko was crying when he felt asleep without knowing that his mom entered the room....


Hi cuties 💓...
        How was the chapter??
Hope it's OK enough.
        And pls, don't ever hesitate to correct me. I really appreciate it when corrected 💋.

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Teemarh0188 💗.

Just love the emojis👌👌...

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