chapter 11..

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Grandma I can't breathe I sobbed..

Sorry dear she said pecking my face again...

Halima's POV..

I really made my grandparent's day.. I can't remember the last time we ate cat fish at home..

We are always taking rice and beans or sometimes we take Garri and Kuli-kuli or with groundnuts ,taliyan hausa(spaghetti),Danwake (beans dropples and tuwon masara ...

But grandpa makes sure we eat three times a day. Alhamdulillah..


I met Falmata  by the sea when I went to the city....
She's very nice and kind...

But Falmata has this attitude of hers that I really really soo  much dislike it irks me.. She's arrogant (a times), thinks that she's someone which she is absolutely not, and a bit wicked.. Well I must say, she got that she got that stupid behavior from her dad..

And yes to be frank with you..
Her dad is the most stupid man I have ever seen...

He's is so wicked, careless, arrogant, heartless.... I don't even know how to say it but wallah Falmata's dad is lacking eeman..

I remember, there was a time  when Faali (yes I call her Faali ) broke a plastic plate,  the man started beating her and didn't stop till when I entered the house, i tried to pull her out from his tight and strong arms but it was all of no use..

Dan ubanki ni ba asa rarre bane, da zan dunga siyo abubuwa kina bata mani ba, wallai baki isa ba.. Kin biyo halin uwarki KO!! Toh wallahi I will soon get rid of you..

That was what faali's dad kept saying while beating her..

When I tried saving her, i received the beating of my life..
He threw me out of the house like a rag and continued beating her..

She got unconscious and he rushed her to the hospital...


Hlo 💋💋..

Here's an update..

Hope you enjoyed it❤...

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