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I nonchalantly stood up from the sand and went in to the house to get some water.

I took the water from the jog and poured it into my silver cup and sat down to gulp it down..

What the heck is wrong with me?? I thought to myself.
Because even me myself I have noticed that I am not okay at all.Magira has been trying to cuddle with my legs but I just took her out of the house and closed the door.

Earth to Halima! Grandma snapped at me.
I quickly came back to the real world.
Halima what's wrong with you? She queried.
Kaka (Grandma) I just feel very week and angry all of the sudden.
As in i don't think I am going to stand up from this couch any minute from now.
I feel very lazy to do anything and my lower belly hurts a lot.
The worst experience ever.

Grandma grinned which really annoyed me like seriously is what i just finish telling her funny or what or is it something to be amused about??

I rolled my eyes just hoping that Grandma didn't see me and stood up to go to the backyard but Grandma stopped me.

Hey you! Where do you think you are going to? She asked.
I was so annoyed that I couldn't even say a thing, just not in the mood for any of my grandparents drama or Magira's.


I woke in the early morning just to feel a very sharp pain in my abdomen.
Ouch! I winced.
It was very painful it's not funny.
I tried to get off my so called bed but what I saw next was the most terrifying thing I have ever seen in my life not even the first time I saw an octopus by the sea side.

It's blood. Freaking red blood stained on my dress and the bed.

It felt like forever  just trying to figure out how to get out of this mess.
What is this for heaven's sake? I whisper yelled to myself.

That's when I remembered about what Grandma was telling me the other day about the poverty oh sorry puberty something so this is what she was trying to make me understand.

I'm a young lady now or what is it they call it... But kaka said it doesn't pain at all then what am I experiencing?
My subconscious asked.

Right on time Grandma came into the room without me noticing her presence.

Earth to Halima! She snapped
Ohh gra.. Kaka you... You are here. I stuttered.
Good morning.
How are you?  She asked instead.
I hesitated a little before answering her I'm fine.
You don't look like it.
I couldn't take it anymore I just started my waterworks..
Shhh it's OK..
What's wrong? She asked.
I just showed her the spot where I stained..
What grandma did next was something I couldn't predict.
She gave me her million dollar smile and i gave her the are you OK in anyway look.
My baby is now a lady.

And that's how the day went with grandma giving lectures on menstruation and the rest...


warning; Not Edited.

Salamu Alaikum.
      How are you all doing?
I hope all is well. Masha Allah.

How is Ramadan?
May Allah accept our ibadah Ameen.

I'm sorry for the leaving you people hanging..
So here's the chapter I hope you liked it.

Thank you soo much for the 3k+ reads guys I really appreciate ❤

Teemarh__ ❤✨

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