The Harshest Emergency

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Carrying her in his arms, Nick rushed through the hospital doors with (f/n). "She needs treatment now! She's almost dead!" he called, which alerted the nurses in the area. The fact that he been carrying a woman with a bloody leg had already drawn attention on its own. Nick didn't care if other people stared; she needed help.

Nurses rushed over with a gurney, and Nick placed her down. As they took her off to the emergency room, he followed closely behind. At a certain point, a few nurses stopped him and indicated for him to take a seat. He didn't oblige them and stood standing. His hands combed through his hair roughly as he was pestered with various questions about what had happened. He was tempted to yell at them, but he refrained and remained quiet until he was calm.

Settling down, he looked over to the two nurses. All he had to say was two words. "The creature." Immediately, a deadly silence swept over the hallway. The nurses glanced at each other. It didn't matter that Nick hadn't called the creature a murderer, killer, etc. They knew what he meant.

"Then, you ..." The nurse pointed a little before they glanced back to the emergency room. "And her ... But how?"

"I don't know, and I don't care. It doesn't matter. Just make sure she lives. Both of us have through enough sh*t already. She doesn't need to die after all of this."

The second nurse coughed awkwardly. Clearly, they wanted to know more about the escape, but they were forcing their questions aside. "Does she have any family here in town?"

"Yes, her parents are here. They run the funeral home ... Carnation Hills." The second nurse nodded and headed off to the front desk to have the call be placed. Nick finally took a seat and covered his face with his hands. Still, he couldn't take a break. He didn't know if (f/n) would make it. His eyes met the orbs of the first nurse, and they awkwardly walked off.

This didn't bother him as he wanted to be alone; he didn't wish to be questioned on the tunnels. He had experienced enough of that place, and he didn't need to relive the memories. Hopefully, (f/n) would live and make a swift recovery by tomorrow. Then, he could get out of town and head back to his apartment in the next town over. Realistically, he would have to move from there eventually if he didn't want the press at his doorstep every morning. Brent would've been better suited for that.

He leaned over as tears started to form. The deadly chase had ended, and the death of his three friends was beginning to weigh in on him. Money for information on the creature would be rewarded to him, and he would gain fame in the paranormal world, but his friends were gone. It would be easy to find people willing to join him for a new team, but it wouldn't be the same.

What was even worse was that he couldn't even bury his friends. Their bodies were left to rot in those d*mnable tunnels. Tara's wasn't, but he wouldn't be surprised if the creature had moved it by now. She had been so close to escaping with them. Now, he only had the image of her being stabbed on repeat in his head, and the snow reminded him of crimson.

Soft footfalls hit his ears. Immediately, he shot up out of his seat and glanced up. A nurse, frightened, took a couple of steps back from him. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." She calmed down some and held out a clipboard. "Since you brought her in, I'll need you to fill out some information."

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