The Juiciest Shocker

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Silently, he darted through the woods. Snow began to fall around him, and dark snow clouds loomed above the countless trees. His black clothes blended in with the darkness of the scenery, and his deathly pale skin practically matched the snowfall. Footprints were left in the snow, but he doubted that there were many people in the woods. He couldn't pick up any sounds except for those of woodland animals.

When he neared the blood, however, he heard someone muttering to themselves. His feet stopped, and he listened more. "Come on. Come on. Where are you?" The voice sounded familiar, and he forced his nose to work past the smell of crimson.

His eyes lit up, and he smirked. Advancing at a casual pace, he headed for the individual. There was no one else but the two of them around. He removed his sunglasses and placed them in one of his pockets before he concealed his hands too.

The person stopped their mumbling, and the creature heard a slight amount of movement. He saw the light up ahead, but the flashlight only gave off a dull illumination. It was considerate of the person. His soft footfalls and crunches of the snow alerted the individual to his direction.

(E/c) eyes met his very pale blue ones. The creature maintained a casual walk and stopped some distance away from the taller male. "Turn off the flashlight. I can see you without it, and there's no need for you to have it anymore." He leaned against the nearest tree but kept his hands hidden. Right now, there wasn't a need for him to carry a more threatening appearance.

"I need to see you, though." The man turned the brightness of the light up a little and lifted it up some. He stood up straighter to appear like he had some authority in the meeting, but his eyes were fearful. Even his tone had been filled with the emotion.

Quirking a brow, the creature shook his head before he latched his gaze back onto the man. "Do you? We both know that I could dash forward, break your flashlight and kill you in a few moments. I suggest that you stop trying to maintain some power over the present situation because it's pointless. I'm here because I'm interested to hear what you have to say, not because you want me here."

Giggling, the creature glanced down to the organs in the snow. "No wonder people had been saying that your wife and you are acting odd. How many days have you been trying to get my attention?"

"Tonight is the first one, but my wife and I have been planning."

After his mouth made an o shape, he giggled more. "Well, you're quite the lucky pair, then."

"I wouldn't consider my daughter being kidnapped lucky," he argued back harshly. His tone was low, and his fists became clenched. "But, my wife and I are doing what we have to. We want out daughter back if ... she's ... she's ..." The man tightened his fists more.

"I figured that's why you would do such a thing." The creature pushed himself off of the tree. "Turn off your flashlight. If you want to form some deal with me, following my instructions will get you better results."

Hope flashed through his eyes. "Then, she's still alive?!" The creature didn't answer, but he signaled for the man to flip the switch. Her father reluctantly turned off the flashlight, and he could really only pinpoint the creature's silhouette in the darkness.

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