The Direst Concealment

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Nearly, a piercing cry left Haley. The creature, though, covered her mouth with his right hand. His left didn't leave her damaged wrist. "Shh, I can't have you waking up my little helper." He tugged on her wrist and brought her closer. Another cry parted from her lips, and tears were running down her cheeks. A smirk decorated his lips. "I've barely even begun with what I have in store for you." Fear clouded her eyes, but her fighting spirit wasn't backing down.

It reminded him of (f/n), but there was a clear difference. (F/n) fought for her survival, and she had unknowingly won her ticket out of death. His partner knew when to stop fighting against him; she knew that all of his threats were genuine. Haley, however, didn't halt when she should've.

She didn't read into the situation properly and understand that a terrible fate for her was waiting. Or, she was simply foolish and thought that her constant resistance would gain her freedom. The only freedom that she would achieve would be the freedom from life.

"Let's go into the other room and continue our little session." She tried to pull away, but the pain immediately stopped her attempt. The creature cared less about her agony, and he only increased it when he dragged her into the other room. Her wrist crumbled more under his grip, and she would have to go through surgery if she ever desired it to be fixed. Then again, he had no intention of releasing her.

He practically tossed her into the chair, and it almost tipped over to the floor. Her left hand managed to balance it out, but her gaze latched back onto him. "I'm not telling you about the plan. I already gave you my answer." She hugged her wrist to her chest and glared harshly at him. Tears continued to drip down her skin.

Sitting on the table, he leaned back on his hands. "The last person in that chair said something similar. She refused to answer my questions, and her partner suffered for it." He giggled before he licked his lips. "But, I gained quite a meal. Not answering will get you nowhere. It'll only make the rest of your life worse."

"I'll die anyway. I'm not going to help you." Her eyes narrowed more. "That's for your little helper," she spoke in a mocking voice. The creature's left hand twitched, but he didn't focus on her remark for long. Rather, he pushed himself off of the table and walked behind her chair. Haley visibly tensed, but he only picked up the rope from before.

Instantly, Haley bolted out of the chair and headed for the bedroom. Not one of her feet made it into the room. The creature gripped the back of her shirt and threw her back. He closed the door and peered down to her. "Another mistake of yours. You've already threatened my partner's life enough." His high-pitched voice cracked a little, but it didn't last for long. "Now, go onto your chair and be a good girl. Or, I'll break your other wrist."

Picking herself up into a sitting position, she scowled. "You're probably going to break it eventually. I'm not letting you tie me up." A sigh left him, and he shook his head, but he didn't move. Hesitantly, Haley backed up before she went to stand.

At that moment, the creature dropped the rope and grabbed the front of her shirt. The force of his pull almost ripped it from her torso. His right hand released the fabric before it clasped around her left wrist. Another snap filled the area while his left hand covered her mouth. Haley fell against him some as her legs grew wobbly from the shock and pain. Her teeth latched onto his hand as a way to fight back.

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