The Loveliest Red

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

If she raced for the door, the second option would be put into place, but if she darted for the bathroom, she wouldn't be trying to escape. The creature never had told her where he wanted to take a bite, and it wasn't her problem that a door would just happen to be between them and locked. (F/n) figured that she could apply the same logic to the rest of the house, but he had dragged her into her room, so he had set the perimeters to some degree.

Her eyes stayed on him. He was leaning against her desk, and his eyes never left hers. They were incredibly chilling, and it didn't help that he had a smile on his pale, almost ghost-white, lips. His left nails tapped against his right arm. Clearly, he was growing impatient, but he was most definitely counting down the minutes.

She didn't have long. Her hands clenched the sheets briefly before she threw herself off of the bed. Immediately, the creature acted and raced to grab her, but she launched herself into the bathroom. His nails nearly scratched her back. (F/n) slid across the rug and tile before she rolled herself onto her back and kicked the door shut.

He pressed against it, and her foot wouldn't hold out. Swiftly, she stood to her feet and slammed all of her weight against the wood. She managed to get it closed for a moment. Hurriedly, she locked the door and breathed a sigh of relief.

Unfortunately, there was no window in the bathroom. She was only stalling the inevitable. Her parents would grow suspicious if she stayed in the bathroom for the whole night, and they would find the creature in her room. That would spell out disaster, but she didn't want to give him any more. Once was enough for her, and the pain of his bite remained strong in her mind.

"(F/n), this is only making things worse for you." His nails tapped against the wood. "I'm only getting hungrier for you. I think that you're underestimating my craving too much." She didn't answer; she only scooted farther away from the door.

(F/n) leaned against the bathtub. Instantly, she jumped. She peered over left shoulder and screamed. A skeleton hand was on her shoulder, and its head was close to her face. Whacking the hand off, she scurried away and ended up in the middle of the bathroom. The doorknob wiggled, and she heard the creature giggling. "Did you have another vision?" the creature asked in a sing-song voice.

Hesitantly, she eyed the tub again. The skeleton was still there. It leaned over the side and chuckled. "I wonder what part he's going to take from you." Its chin rested on its right hand. "Maybe, your tongue. Then, you couldn't even say no to him." Another chuckle left it.

Covering her ears and closing her eyes, she whispered, "No, I buried you. You're not here." A chuckle broke through her weak barrier. She heard the movement of bones, but she didn't want to look. "You're not here. I'm by myself here."

"Are you sure?" Dean's voice sounded right in front of her. "Open your eyes and check." She wouldn't listen to him; she only curled up more. Fingers glided over her skin, and she shivered from fear. Why did the creature have to come back?

Bony fingers rested on her head, but something felt off. The rest of the hand didn't feel skeletal. Steadily, she opened her eyes. Another cry almost left her, but the creature's hand covered her mouth. "No more screaming, (f/n)." A giggle left him. "I'm surprised that you didn't even hear me lock picking the door." He held up a paperclip before he stuck it in his right hoodie pocket. "That must've been some vision."

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