Paperback, Ebook and Sequel

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   So, I would like to announce that Infectious Intent now has formerly published versions, both in paperback and ebook formats, on Amazon. These versions have the same plot and characters as the the version on here, but there has been a few touch-ups to some of the sentences and dialogue. Also, there has been several sentences added in throughout the text so that there is a better flow to the story. Lastly, the main character does have a name and an appearance now. If you choose to purchase a copy of either you have my sincere gratitude, and I greatly appreciate the extra support^-^!



In other news, the sequel to Infectious Intent, Infectious Devotion, has been posted to this site. It's earlier than I expected, but I kind of had a hard time staying away from the series. Anyway, I hope that you all enjoy it as much as the first one^-^!

Link to Infectious Devotion:

Infectious Intent (M. Yandere x F. Reader)Where stories live. Discover now