The Fiercest Reaction

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


That notion alone was bothersome, but she knew it to be the truth already. Those three weeks had brought her hope that maybe something had changed, but he had come right back into her life as though he had never left. (F/n) thought about the reward money again, and she would love to turn him in dead. If things worked out for her, she would be able to. The money didn't interest her; she just wanted her old life back. To her, the money was an extra bonus.

Thankfully, that money had restrictions. The reward would be dropped entirely if someone tried to force the information out of Nick or her. It would also be forfeit if someone tried to use Nick or her to draw the creature out. (F/n) didn't wish to imagine what horrors would've awaited her had those conditions not been put into place; the creature was enough trouble.

Done with the news, she flipped through the channels. Nothing seemed to be on, and she merely hoped that dinner would be ready soon. Tired of pressing the channel button, she placed the remote on the bed. The creature grabbed it and changed it to a shopping channel. She would've asked why until she noted that they were selling cutlery. A chill ran up her spine, and she would've moved closer to the edge if she could've.

"Don't worry. I'm not going to purchase those. You have enough in your kitchen, but those do look nice." A pleased grin coated his lips. "I could ..."

"I don't want to know. I've already seen too much of your food needs." She had to glance away from the screen. Already, she could picture the counter and knives covered in crimson. A giggle hit her ears, but she didn't glance over. Rather, she tried to distract herself. Curiosities from before came to mind as did a new one, but she remained hesitant about asking. That was the case even more so for the new addition. (F/n) didn't wish to give him any ideas.

"True, but I haven't seen yours." She looked up and over at him. Uncertainty laced her expression. "I want to see what you enjoy. We're partners after all, and we should share a meal at one point. I've also never experienced what it's like to eat at the same time as somebody else."

"No. My appetite will be ruined. It already almost is." She would probably have a hard time eating dinner if it involved a knife. "And, we're not partners." His grin fell, but she wasn't going to apologize. "We may have a deal, but you threatened me into it. I'll never consider you a partner."

"Then, what am I?" His voice was for once not high. It was deadly calm, and she couldn't help but gulp. One wrong word and things could take a horrendous course. The option not to answer might not be a choice, but she tried it.

Breaking eye contact with him, she stood up and headed for her room door. He didn't stop her, but his eyes fixed themselves on her every step. Her hand rested on the doorknob. "(F/n)." She froze but didn't gaze back. Venom sunk into the single word.

"I hate you," she muttered as she bent her head down. Her hand gripped the doorknob. He spotted that her limbs were shaking lightly, but he didn't grow amused. Steadily, she peered back at him. "You even admitted that was a natural reaction to what you've committed. Use that to guess." She opened the door and closed it behind her.

His eyes stayed on the door. "And, they're only $19.99!" He diverted his gaze to the television. The saleswoman had said that phrase several times already. Her chipper, fake attitude annoyed him, and he shut the thing off. Even the knives didn't capture his attention anymore.

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