The Earliest Dig

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Where she had been able to fall asleep on the couch, (f/n) couldn't do the same on her bed. The creature had been right, and she hadn't slept at all that night. She looked over to her clock and saw that it was only four in the morning. It was still dark outside, and it would be another hour and a half until her parents woke up. That gave her a good window of time to bury the bones of her late classmate. Her parents wouldn't learn of her going out in the dark. Hopefully, she would run into no guard. Otherwise, she would need quite the excuse.

She looked over to the creature, who was now watching some cartoons. He seemed to be pretty focused on them, but she knew that didn't mean anything. The creature always seemed to be aware of what she was doing when he was around.

Sitting up in her bed, she pushed her (h/c) locks back. A yawn escaped her lips, and she headed into her bathroom for her morning routine. She could hear the creature giggling when she closed the door. Whether it was at the show or her, she didn't know, and she didn't care. At least, there was a door between them.

Pulling the shower curtain back, she hid the mocking skeleton and returned to her usual schedule, which typically began much later in the morning. When she finished, she headed into her closet and changed in the small space. Dressed for the cold morning, she grabbed a hair tie from one of the bathroom drawers and fixed her hair up.

After she removed a garbage bag from under the sink, she pulled back the curtain again. The skeleton kept up its appearance. Hesitantly, she reached out and grabbed its arm. Thankfully, she hadn't eaten breakfast, or she might've puked. Soft footfalls sounded behind her, and the skeleton was soon removed from her hold. "Hold the bag open." She looked up and over at the creature. He appeared impatient.

"I thought that ..."

"I'm helping you remove him from the bathroom. That isn't burying him. Besides, I can hear you moving around in here, and it's making me hungry knowing that you're dealing with remains." He raked his nails through his hair, and his eyes looked mad with hunger. "I seriously hate this diet."

Her hands opened the bag, and he snapped the skull off before he tossed it in. She grimaced and looked away. Another bone snapped, and it was thrown into the bag. To try and distract herself from it, she asked, "How much can you survive on?"

"If I have the same amount that I had last night, I'll be fine. It's what I used to survive on before the tunnels. In the tunnels, though, I would eat six times a day. It was pure luxury." A wistful sigh left his mouth, and another snap sounded. "Lucky you, you get to eat three meals a day and snacks if you want. Quite unfair."

A chill went up her spine, and she didn't dare meet his gaze. She remained quiet and held her tongue since she had quite a few things to say to him about his state being unfair. If she talked, she might be dessert again. (F/n) suspected that it would happen again in the future, but he had her blood for tonight. Hopefully, that would satisfy him enough.

Once all of the bones were in, she peered over his way and shut the bag. His frightening grin was back on his lips, and he slapped her on the back. Nearly, she went flying forward, but she maintained her balance. "Now, go get rid of that. And, enjoy the cold. Maybe, get some of that ... oh, what's it called?" He muttered some words under his breath before he lit up again. "Coffee. You look so exhausted."

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