Mystery Man ( 1x01)

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Liliana P.O.V

Like every morning, Morgan, Dwayne and I cleared the area of walkers. Though today we had to scavenge since our food supply was low. I was grateful for finding actual good Samaritans in this screwed up world. I was had been living in LA for high school with my mom and my uncle before the outbreak. The world went crazy halfway through my schooling with the national guard stationed in every major city. It didn't take long for nightmare to come true as the dead took over the city. As we ran for our lives, I was the only one to survive along with just a handful. With no other family left, I had choice but to find my father, step-mom and sister in Atlanta.

To avoid thinking of those I lost, I kept myself busy scavenging. I helped Morgan clear out the houses before Dwayne looked inside. We were finding less food now which meant we would have to move sometime. Morgan didn't want to leave his home but starving or being left alive were our only options now. With a handful of cans, we began to leave this neighbourhood and return to ours. As we were walking, Morgan and I saw a man sitting on the steps of a house. Dwayne quickly knocked him out with is trusty shovel as I ran to him and Morgan killed the walker.

"Daddy, Lila, I got the son-a-bitch. Imma smack him dead!" Dwayne yelled as the man mumbled something. He was brunette with blue eyes and looked middle-aged based on the slight greys in his stubble. He was dressed in a hospital gown with a large bandage wrapped around his stomach. I instinctively pushed Dwayne behind me as I gripped my knife.

"He say something? I thought I heard him say something." Morgan asked as he shielded both of us

"He called me Carl." Dwayne answered which surprised me

"Son, you know they don't talk." Morgan reminded him before returning to the mystery man. "Hey mister, what's that bandage for? What kind of wound?" He asked which only confused the man more.

"Mister, please tell us. What's your wound? I won't ask a second time." I threatened him as Morgan cocked his gun. The man couldn't answer as he passed out.

"Lila, muzzle and grab him. Lets get out of here before dark. Dwayne help carry him." Morgan instructed us. I grabbed my spare bandana and gagged him. Most of his weight was on my shoulder but I didn't mind. I had always been strong so carrying a person was nothing.

We made it back to our house where I laid him on the spare bed. Morgan got some zip ties while I watched him. Dwayne knew to stay outside until his dad gave the okay. Once he was tied, I helped change his bandages. They smelled awful from the old blood and his wound seemed healed for the most part. Just in case, I cleaned it with some alcohol before replacing it.

"Lila, go wait with Dwayne while I talk to our guest." Morgan told me

"Ok, I'll be in the living room." I said before leaving And shutting the door. Dwayne was waiting for me in the living room.

"So, was he bit?" Dwayne asked

"Didn't seem like it. More like a bullet wound. Though, we'll know for sure if he has a fever." I replied

"ok. You think he was a bank robber before all this? Got caught during some fancy heist and forgotten about when the world went to hell." Dwayne speculated which made me laugh hard

"Maybe. Just let him rest before you badger him." I answered

"Sure thing boss lady." Dwayne replied just as Morgan opened the bedroom door.

"He needs to rest but he's not bitten. Both of you help me set the table." Morgan said which we both quickly did. Our guest came out an hour later with the blanket wrapped around him. I watched him closely as he stumbled around.

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