The Highway (2x01) 🧔🏻

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Rick P.O.V

Integrating Lila into our family came easy. Her personality fit with us well. It was good to see her starting to open up & becoming more friendly. It was starting to become a stark contrast from the girl with Morgan & Duane. Lori was right about her needing us as I didn't think we would've seen this side without making our decision. Carl enjoyed calling her big sis & the bodyguard protection.

Even Shane took a liking. He gave her defense classes during camp. She took a few tumbles from the lack of experience. But Shane quickly learned about her strength as she wrestled her way out. It was fun to root her on during their sparing matches. Daryl & T-dog started making chores bets which the others joined in on.

We, the group, continued onto Fort Bening. We hit stores & gas stations along the way. They were scarce but the suburbs kept us alright for a bit. But, we needed to find something before the fort unless we wanted to starve.
Carl, Sophia & Carol sat in the back of the station wagon while me & Lori rode up front. Lila sat in the trunk with the supplies. Now we were just driving with nothing but fields around us.

"Just thinking of our trip to the Grand Canyon with Carl." Lori remembered which made me laugh

"I don't remember that." Carl spoke up with Lila intrigued

"No, you wouldn't. You were just a baby. Besides, we never made it past Fort Worth." Lori explained

"No, you got sick. Haha, I never knew a baby could throw up so much." I chuckled as Lila fake puked

"Yeah, ick." Lori laughed along before turning to Lila, "Have you ever been?"

"No, my mom always heard about it & wanted to go. But, we never had the chance." Lila grimly replied before Lori rubbed her hand

"One day, we'll take you. This time you won't have to deal with baby vomit." Lori promised which made Lila smile

"The doctor in Texas said you'd live. Then we turned around & drove home." Lori continued the story

"That sucks." Carl pouted

"No, it was a good trip." Lori argued

"The best." I agreed

"Can we go see it. The Grand Canyon? I'd like to." Carl chimed in

"I would too. Can we go?" Sophia sweetly asked

"We'd never go without you & your mom. That's a promise." I swore as Lori held Carols hand

"Can't wait. It'll be my first family road trip." Lila eagerly dreamed

"Well, you couldn't have picked a better place." I replied just as the convoy stopped

I cautiously follower Dayl through the wreck & zigzagged between cars. Lori noticed bodies in the cars & instinctively grabbed the kids. Lila held onto Carl to calm him. The RV broke down causing all of us to get out. We all got together to brainstorm about scavenging. Lori was opposed to it since we were in a makeshift graveyard. But, we needed the supplies & started looking. Lori, Carol & the kids made a little group. I nervously watched them from the RV with binoculars.

Liliana P.O.V

Mom didn't want to scavenge the cars but we had no choice. I watched the kids as Mom led us with Carol in front. Most of the cars we passed didn't have much. But we got luckier further down which was farther from the group. Carol found a nice blouse while Mom looked through suitcases.

"Carl, Lila stay within my sight." Mom instructed us which I nodded back

"Sophia you too & stay with Lila." Carol said

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2020 ⏰

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