Waiting to break the news (Chapter 3)

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Hals POV 

‘Damn this girl is light’ I thought as I sprinted through the forest. I felt her warm blood seep through my shirt. Her skin was shockingly cold. Her breathing was barely noticeable. She needed medical attention, and fast. Weaving in and out between the trees I spotted a clearing. I broke through it onto the debris covered road. Our bikes sat there patiently awaiting our return. I gently placed the girl on the seat. Swinging my leg over the seat I sat down behind her. Wrapping one arm securely around her small frame I used my free hand to start the engine. Kicking up the kickstand I took off in the direction of the school.

“Keep an eye out for Skitters and Mechs!” I shouted to Ben over the roar of the engine. Though I knew I didn’t have to shout in order for Ben to hear me. That harness changed him. He’s stronger, faster, and a better fighter. He’s not the same guy he used to be before he was taken. And I’m not the only who’s noticed. Dad and Captain Weaver have also begun questioning the way he’s been acting. I just hope he doesn’t go running back to the Skitters like Rick did.  What am I thinking?! Ben’s my brother, he wouldn’t do that! I have to trust him.

The school came into view. Fortunately we didn’t have any encounters with the Skitters. Unfortunately this mysterious girl lost a lot more blood on the way here. I hope we’re not too late.

As soon as I switched the engine off I was on my feet, girl in arms, rushing towards the entrance. Ben opened the double doors allowing me to enter first. I ran down the halls towards the infirmary. People stared wide eyed as I passed them. I heard them muttering amongst each other, probably wondering what was up. Ben shouted at the ones that got in our way. Why didn’t anyone understand that this was an emergency!? I burst through the doors of the infirmary. Dr Glass jumped out of her seat alarmed.

“Hal? Ben? You scared me! What…oh my God! What happened?” she asked rushing over to me. Her eyes quickly scanned over the girl in my arms.

“I don’t know. Ben and I were just patrolling the woods when this scream filled the air so we ran to check what was up and there were a bunch of Skitters huddled around a tree so we took them out and when I looked down there she was just passed out!” I said in one rushed breath. Dr Glass slipped on a pair of surgical gloves and patted the steel table. I laid her gently on the table and took a few steps back so the Dr had room to work.  

“Is she going to be okay?” Ben asked in a quiet voice from the doorway.

Dr Glass looked at him momentarily before continuing her examination. “I’m not sure. She’s lost a lot of blood, this gash in her side might be infected, and I’m worried about that branch in her leg. Honestly, her chances of survival are…slim.”

I watched Ben as he shifted uncomfortably. He was looking at his shoes, a look of guilt plastered on his face. Truth is I felt the same way. If we had gotten to her sooner maybe her chances would’ve been better.

“I’m sorry boys but I’m afraid I’m going to have to ask you to leave” Dr Glass glanced at us apologetically. We nodded in understanding and started heading out. “Could one of you send Lourdes in here please?” she called after us. I gave a quick ‘yep’ in response.

“You know we’re going to have to tell Dad about this” Ben mumbled.

“And Weaver” I replied with a nod as Ben grimaced.

I don’t blame him. Weaver can be a pretty scary dude sometimes. And whoever tells him that we brought a stranger here was in for one hell of an earful.

“Weaver’s going to be pissed” Ben said with a low voice.

“I don’t think Dad’s going to be very happy either” I sighed. Ben looked worried as hell. I patted his back “I’ll tell them what happened.”

“Are you sure? I don’t want you to have to take all the blame.”

“Sure I’m sure.  One look into these puppy dog eyes and Dad won’t even remember what he was yelling at me for” I laughed.

Ben chuckled quietly. “What about Weaver?”

“You let me worry about Weaver” I smiled ruffling his hair.

“Hey! Hands off the hair dude” he scolded swatting my hands away. A playful smile upon his lips. I put my hands up in mock surrender and laughed loudly. It was nice to see Ben acting like his old self. I wish it could be like this all the time. No Skitters to worry about. No fighting for survival. No death. But that was just a fantasy. This is war, and all we can do is fight. Fight for a better future. 

“I’m going to go wait for Dad and Weaver to return. Why don’t you go ahead and find Lourdes?” I suggested.

“Sure thing” Ben nodded and walked away. I headed in the opposite direction towards Weavers office. Stopping by his door I slid down the wall. I spread both my legs out in front of me and rested my head back against the wall. I couldn’t help but think about that girl. What happened to her? Why was she out there? Is she a danger to us? Was it a mistake bringing her here? Is she going to be okay? It was odd. I didn’t even know her and yet, I was worried sick about her. Sighing I closed my eyes waiting for their return.

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